
    Background: SQL Server 2000; Standard Edition; SP4; PeopleSoft environment. Resulting DBCC commands are run using the following syntax: DBCC DBREINDEX (TableName, '', 0)

    I run the following stored procedure during my maintenance windows, it generates output that I then use to rebuild various indexes. During execution of the script, there are still open connections to the database, but schedule jobs have already completed execution, and there are no users logged into PeopleSoft. However, the PeopleSoft application components are still up and running.

    Typically I have to run the script multiple times before the results being reported make sense. For example, lets say your database has 20 indexes that are identified by the script (out of 30 total), you rebuild those 20 indexes, and re-run the script. At this point you would expect to get nothing returned. After all, you've rebuilt the indexes with DBCC DBREINDEX, and DBCC DBREINDEX updates the statistics on the table. What I don't understand is, why would DIFFERENT indexes be identified to be rebuilt, after running the script a second time. After I run the script, rebuild indexes, re-run the script, rebuild indexes, repeat; then I can can get consistent results. I understand that DBCC DBREINDEX will only rebuild an index if it can get an exclusive lock on the table.

    My question is this: Is there anything I can do to make the script run more consistently, possible preparation steps?

    My goal is to get this to run as a fully automatic process, I'm just trying to understand the inconsistencies that I see between executions.

    CREATE PROC sp_ReportReIndex





    -- Create temporary table to hold DBCC SHOWCONTIG output


    CREATE TABLE #FragmentationResult(

    ObjectName VARCHAR(255), ObjectId INT, IndexName VARCHAR(255),

    IndexId INT, [Level] INT, Pages INT, [Rows] INT,

    MinimumRecordSize INT, MaximumRecordSize INT,

    AverageRecordSize FLOAT, ForwardedRecords INT, Extents INT,

    ExtentSwitches INT, AverageFreeBytes FLOAT,

    AveragePageDensity FLOAT, ScanDensity FLOAT, BestCount INT,

    ActualCount INT, LogicalFragmentation FLOAT,

    ExtentFragmentation FLOAT



    -- Create temporary table to hold tables/indexes that require

    -- defragmentation


    CREATE TABLE #Defragmentation(

    [id] INT IDENTITY,

    ObjectName VARCHAR(255),

    IndexName VARCHAR(255),

    ScanDensity FLOAT



    -- Identify all user tables in the current database to analyze

    -- fragmentation


    SELECT [id], [name] INTO #UserTables

    FROM sysobjects

    WHERE type = 'U'

    ORDER BY [id]


    -- Determine fragmentation of every user table/index


    DECLARE @id INT, @name VARCHAR(255), @TableCnt INT

    SET @id = 0

    SELECT @TableCnt = COUNT(*) FROM #UserTables

    WHILE @TableCnt > 0


    SELECT TOP 1 @id=[id], @name=[name]

    FROM #UserTables

    WHERE [id] > @id

    INSERT INTO #FragmentationResult

    EXEC('DBCC SHOWCONTIG([' + @name + '])


    SET @TableCnt = @TableCnt - 1



    -- Determine user tables/indexes that require defragmentation


    -- Note: current ScanDensity threshold = 75

    -- LogicalFragmentatin > 3

    -- Pages > 2 (size of table)


    INSERT INTO #Defragmentation

    SELECT ObjectName, IndexName, ScanDensity

    FROM #FragmentationResult

    WHERE ScanDensity < 75 --Scan Density is low
    AND LogicalFragmentation > 3 --Logical Scan Fragmentation is high

    AND Pages > 2 --pages

    DROP TABLE #FragmentationResult


    -- Defragment tables/indexes with high fragmentation


    DECLARE @oname VARCHAR(255), @iname VARCHAR(255), @sdensity FLOAT

    SET @id = 0

    SELECT @TableCnt = COUNT(*) FROM #Defragmentation

    WHILE @TableCnt > 0


    SELECT TOP 1 @id=[id]

    , @oname = ObjectName

    , @iname = IndexName

    , @sdensity = ScanDensity

    FROM #Defragmentation

    WHERE [id] > @id

    PRINT 'DBCC DBREINDEX (' + @oname + ', ZZ, 0)'

    SET @TableCnt = @TableCnt - 1



    -- Release resources


    DROP TABLE #UserTables

    DROP TABLE #Defragmentation




    Joe Burdette

  • It might make sence to run sp_updatestats and dbcc updateusage(0) with count_rows manualy. This may interfere with ongoing operations !

    Then try your procedure again

    - What's the result ?



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  • Quick question:

    Do you have auto-shrink option enable for the database?




  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Index Defragmentation Best Practices


  • Balmukund -> "Do you have auto-shrink option enable for the database?"

    NO!, NO WAY! 😉

    I'm currently taking a look at a solution offered up by Nicholas Cain... I like the fact that it is DTS based... "Checking Your Database Fragmentation Level"... I also like how this solution provides a way to track index maintenance history...

    Thanks for the link to "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Index Defragmentation Best Practices", I'm taking a look at some of the DBCC SHOWCONTIG options, to better performance of that part of the process...

    all of your input is appreciated!


    Joe Burdette


    You can look at DBCC INDEXDEFRAG.It is an online operation and it does not hold locks long term and thus will not block running queries.


    And then u can rebuild the indexes using DBReIndex during ur maintenance windows..


    Krishnan Kaniappan


  • There are some drawbacks of using DBCC INDEXDEFRAG

    1. it doesn't update statistics at all

    2. It is always fully logged

  • in my situation... INDEXDEFRAG can only be use to clear up minor fragmentation... DBREINDEX will be used for the bulk of the reorganization... 


    Joe Burdette

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