Sr. SQL Server DBA in Rochester, NY

  • Greetings,

    We have an opening for a Sr. SQL Server Database Admin. Please go to click on Job Search and in the "Keyword or Job Reference Number Search" box enter 05035237. This will bring up the job where you can apply online.

    I would be happy to answer any general questions you might have after reading the job posting.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Facts about Citibank in NY (from an ex-employee) :

    1.  90% of the SQL Developers in that compnay do not know how to spell 'SQL Sever'.  They go to the DBA for help. Unfortunately some of the DBAs (including the one who is leaving) does not how to write SQL code either.

    2.  The DBA group manager wrote a book called 'YOU ARE FIRED!'.  You can find it on

    3.  The benefit and pay is lousy.

    4.  They outsourced most of the technical jobs to India.  The DBA job may be the next one on the list.

    5.  They have so many audit, they even audit your timesheet.

    If you are desperate enough, then go and apply the job.



  • One more, if you go the web site and type the number 06000162, it is a Data Architect job.  That is even worse.  That department is notorious.  No other department in the company wants to work with them  !!!  No matter what kind of job that department posts, no one inside the company is willing to transfer no matter how much the job pays.


  • FallenAngel,

    Sounds like you had a bad time there, and I appreciate you don't like the company or job. And I'm not censoring your remarks.

    But I am doubtful this is the worst job around and it I don't think it is that bad for everyone there. I have seen lots of positions where some people hated the job and others didn't. I didn't like Peoplesoft and I wrote about what I didn't like, but I don't think I attacked them. Just disagreed with their policies.

    I think that warning people of specific problems you had is fine or detailing a little more what you didn't like, but posting an attack like this is a little inappropriate and I hope that you edit your post with specific items you didn't like rather than attacking the department as a whole


  • I agree with Steve and I am sorry to hear that your experience here (yes, I am a DBA at this company) was so distasteful. However, I don't agree with your comments.

    Yes, there are developers that need SQL help and yes, there could definitely be some improvement with their skills. However, can't we all get better at what we do?

    The manager who wrote the book is a not a hack and slash manager but rather someone who works extremely well with his employees and strongly works to encourage their growth. We all know that there are unfortunate times when an employee has to be terminated and the book that he wrote covers those issues. However, I can honestly say that he is the best manager that I have ever worked for. Period.

    There is no intent on out-sourcing the DBA jobs to India. If there was, we would have explored that with this position. Wouldn't that make sense to do it now when we have a spot to fill rather than hiring only to outsource and fire?

    The pay and benefits are actually quite nice. The other position that is posted is also very good with a young group that is growing together quite nicely.

    As far as Audit is concerned. Nailed that one right on the head. Audit, audit, audit. This is banking.... However, if you choose the right tools and establish the proper processes then you don't have to spend too much time on it. Are there processes that you have to follow as a result of audit compliance? Yes. Is this a good thing? Yes! Sometimes it can be a bit annoying but when you look at the contrary, randomly changing environments, I think it works out pretty well.

    Again, if you have questions about the position please feel free to let me know and I will try to answer them. Thanks. 



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • I am sorry if my post was a bit strong. I just put down something I experienced when I worked at that company.  I did not 'attack' the company, I just put down some of the 'fact'.

  • Who knows, your experience here might have been a result of having to work with me!

    Hope you have a great day!



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • I agreed that we all need to improve our SQL skill or technical skill all the time.  I am not saying I am the best SQL developer.  As a matter of fact I was probably the worst one when I worked over there !

    But at that company I felt most people did not have the motivation to learn and improve their skills. 

    When I worked at that group that posted the data architect job, my supervisor told me to start a job at 6:00am when the data would not be ready until 9:00am.  I did not know what her reason was and she could not tell me the reason, but it just did not make sense to me.  One of the SQL developer at that group spent 3 months to write a stored procedure and did not work.  I rewrote it in half a day and worked fine.  The reason why she got the job was because she was a friend of the VP.The other one tried to write an Oracle update statement, he spent 3 weeks and did not work.  He asked me the first day I was there, I spent 10 minutes and got it done. He was a friend of the manager.   I am not saying I am good, I am just saying it does not matter if you are good or bad, you can work there if you know the right people !

    I also admitted that I had a hard time working with a couple DBAs, especially the DBA manager.  He accused me of something I did not do. 

    As I said this was some of my 'bad' experiences.


  • Yesterday I resisted posting here, to wait and see how others respond to Fallen Angel and also not to pick anyone in particular for my comment after someone say sorry.

    Today to Steves Comment, again Sorry from Fallen Angel is worthless.

    This is daily affair, to double check this go to her previous 2 postings I am mentioning here and things will be as clear as day light, on sunny day. 

    I just want to know how many of your company has outsourcing to India?dated 10/19/05

    Comments on Article Bogus Resumes and Unblashing Lies  -- Nov,28

    Kindest Regards,

    Sameer Raval [Sql Server DBA]
    Geico Insurance

  • Sameer

    I know you hate my guts.  If posting comment to trash me makes you feel good, then you are very welcomed.

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