July 3, 2006 at 2:43 pm
I am trying to turn a table 90 degrees where each record becomes a column and each column becomes a record. Here is an example
Before table:
Name BirthDate Car
Bob 3/4/1985 Nissan
Jim 5/4/1943 Cadillac
Nancy 8/19/1989 Porsche
After table:
Name Bob Jim Nancy
Birthdate 3/4/1985 5/4/1943 8/19/1989
Car Nissan Cadillac Porsche
Does anyone have any idea how to do this in a simple select statement? I have already written a sproc utilizing a cursor and lots of variables, but it is very inefficient. I am using SQL 2005 but do not want to turn on the CLR just yet.
Eric Elkins
July 3, 2006 at 3:51 pm
If you're using 2005, you should be able to use PIVOT.
Here's an intro: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177410.aspx
July 4, 2006 at 3:50 pm
I've only ever done this using <paste special - transpose> in Excel. It's not the kind of thing SQL is designed to do. To deal with unknown data values you would almost certainly have to use dynamic SQL. Here's an example:
nocount on
@before table(_Name varchar(20),BirthDate smalldatetime, Car varchar(20))
'Bob', '3/4/1985', 'Nissan' union all
'Jim', '5/4/1943', 'Cadillac' union all
'Nancy', '8/19/1989', null union all
'Sid', '1/1/2000', 'None' union all
'Johnny', '8/19/1989', 'Triumph' union all
'Sue', '8/19/1989', 'Bike' union all
'Bertram', '8/19/1989', 'Sinclair C5'
@before select _name + 'x', BirthDate+1, Car from @before
@before select _name + 'y', BirthDate+2, Car from @before
@before select _name + 'z', BirthDate+4, Car from @before
@before select _name + 'a', BirthDate+8, Car from @before
@before select _name + 'b', BirthDate+16, Car from @before
@before select _name + 'c', BirthDate+32, Car from @before
* from @before
@UnionAll varchar(20)
@NameRow varchar(max)
@BirthdateRow varchar(max)
@CarRow varchar(max)
@UnionAll = ' union all '
@NameRow = 'select '
@BirthdateRow = 'select '
@CarRow = 'select '
@NameRow = @NameRow + 'cast(''' + replace(_name,'''','''''') + ''' as varchar(20)) [' + _name + '],'
@BirthdateRow = @BirthdateRow + isnull('''' + cast(Birthdate as varchar(20)) + ''',','null,')
@CarRow = @CarRow + isnull('''' + replace(Car,'''','''''') + ''',','null,')
by _name asc
select @NameRow = substring(@NameRow, 1, len(@NameRow)-1)
@BirthdateRow = substring(@BirthdateRow, 1, len(@BirthdateRow)-1)
@CarRow = substring(@CarRow, 1, len(@CarRow)-1)
len(@NameRow) [len(@NameRow)]
(@NameRow + @UnionAll + @BirthdateRow + @UnionAll + @CarRow)
Tim Wilkinson
"If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
- Immanuel Kant
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