Create a table using a variable

  • I wish to create a table that is a snapshot of an inventory table at a chosen date, say tblInventoryItems_20060828. Using a param variable does not seem to work...e.g., @NewTblName.

    How can I create and table in a stored procedure and name it on the fly?


    Alan Monteath

  • use dynamic sql

    declare @param sysname, @sql nvarchar(4000)

    set @param ='tablename'

    set @sql='Create table '+ @param+'(sno int)'

    exec sp_executesql @sql

  • Try this:


    declare @dt_Date Datetime,

     @s_SourceTableName varchar(255),

     @s_Sql nvarchar(4000),

     @s_ColName varchar(255),

     @i_Collength int,

     @s_ColType varchar(255),

     @i_Precision int,

     @i_Scale int

    set @dt_Date ='08/28/2006'

    set @s_SourceTableName ='MyTable'

    set @s_Sql =N'If exists (Select 1 from sysobjects where name =''' + @s_SourceTableName + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + ''') drop table ' + @s_SourceTableName + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + ''



    set @s_Sql =N'Create table ' + @s_SourceTableName + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + '( '

    Declare Col_cursor cursor for

    select COL.Name,COL.length,STYP.Name,COL.xprec,COL.xscale

      from sysobjects OBJ INNER JOIN syscolumns COL on

     INNER JOIN systypes STYP ON COL.xtype=STYP.xtype

    where =@s_SourceTableName

    Open Col_cursor

    Fetch next from Col_cursor into @s_ColName, @i_Collength, @s_ColType,@i_Precision,@i_Scale

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


     If @s_ColType ='decimal'


      set @s_Sql = @s_Sql + '[' + @s_ColName + '] [' + @s_ColType + '] (' + Cast(@i_Precision as varchar(255)) + ',' + Cast(@i_Scale as varchar(255)) +  '), '




      If @s_ColType ='char' or @s_ColType ='nchar' or @s_ColType ='varchar' or @s_ColType ='nvarchar'


       set @s_Sql = @s_Sql + '[' + @s_ColName + '] [' + @s_ColType + '] (' + Cast(@i_Collength as varchar(255)) + '), '




       set @s_Sql = @s_Sql + '[' + @s_ColName + '] [' + @s_ColType + '] ' + ', '



     select @s_Sql

     Fetch next from Col_cursor into @s_ColName, @i_Collength, @s_ColType,@i_Precision,@i_Scale


    Close Col_cursor

    Deallocate Col_cursor

    select @s_Sql = left(ltrim(rtrim(@s_Sql)),len(ltrim(rtrim(@s_Sql)))-1) + ')'

    select @s_Sql


    select @s_Sql = 'Insert into ' + @s_SourceTableName + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112)  + ' Select * from ' + @s_SourceTableName

    select @s_Sql

    exec (@s_Sql)

  • Or this one:

    declare @dt_Date Datetime,

     @s_SourceTableName varchar(255),

     @s_Sql nvarchar(4000)


    set @dt_Date ='08/28/2006'

    set @s_SourceTableName ='MyTable'

    set @s_Sql =N'If exists (Select 1 from sysobjects where name =''' + @s_SourceTableName + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + ''') drop table ' + @s_SourceTableName + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + ''


    set @s_Sql =N'Select * into ' + @s_SourceTableName + '_' + Convert(Char(8),@dt_Date,112) + ' from ' + @s_SourceTableName

    select @s_Sql



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