using dos commands to check external file sizes

  • one of my sql jobs has to move dat files from one location to another. The dat files come from an external vendor. currently what is done , the sql queries the source location using dos commands, as shown below



    @string varchar(50)


    @string = 'dir c:\'


    into test


    master..xp_cmdshell @string


    we now have a list of all the files on the source location, however, if the files are in the process of copying, i cannot copy them, and the job fails. i know that when files are being copied, they have a size of 0. is there any easy way to check the file size? i know it is returned using the dir command in a record like below, but that requires string manipulation , and i wanted to know if there was an easier way

    11/02/2004  03:02 PM               307 m.txt


    Also, is there a better way for getting files and moving them than using xp_cmdshell sproc and dos commands?

  • You may try like this if you know the filename for eg "C:\Text.xls"

    declare @string varchar(50)


    @string = 'FOR %T IN ("C:\Text.xls") DO ECHO %~zT'

    insert into test


    master..xp_cmdshell @string

    select * from test



  • You could use OA automation stored procedures with the Scripting.FileSystemObject

    EXEC @ProcRC = sp_OACreate


     @fso output

    -- create File Object

    EXEC @ProcRC = sp_OAMethod



     @fso_file output,


    -- Get File Size

    EXEC @ProcRC = sp_OAGetProperty



     @fso_file_size output

  • Another way to check files is

    EXEC master..xp_getfiledetails @File_with_path

    It gives you more than just size, maybe these other values can help you as well:

    Alternate Name, Size, Creation Date, Creation Time, Last Written Date, Last Written Time, Last Accessed Date, Last Accessed Time, Attributes.

  • is this possible with SMO? where can i find a bit more info on this? ive checked BOL, and had a look on the web but its all a bit vague ( for me anyway)

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