About the good''ole Junction Table...

  • ok...

    i'm trying to create junction tables/composit keys as a matter of practice.

    apparently i'm not that good at it, and well put simply... i 'want' to be

    better at it. 

    just looking for some help with it from the SQL community.

    lets say you have 2 tables.  table1 & table2.

    table1 (col1[pk], col2, col3) values are what ever you want.

    table2 (colA, colB, colC) values are what ever you want.

    here is where i want to create a junction table, and it's subsequent

    composite key. 

    after that is completed... i would simply like to populate values from table1 & table2.

    how would the 'insert' operation go exactly?



  • I did this pretty quickly so I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for. You can plug variables into the where clauses to make it a little more flexible.


    create table table1

    (col1 int identity(1,1) not null,

     col2 varchar(10) null,

     col3 varchar(20) null


    truncate table table1


    insert into table1 values ('ABC', 'BigText')

    insert into table1 values ('DEF', 'MoreBigText')

    insert into table1 values ('GHI', 'LessBigText')

    insert into table1 values ('JKL', 'ThisBigText')

    insert into table1 values ('MNO', 'ThatBigText')

    create table table2

    (colA int identity(1,1) not null,

     colB varchar(10) null,

     colC varchar(20) null


    truncate table table2


    insert into table2 values ('abc', 'BigValue')

    insert into table2 values ('def', 'MoreBigValue')

    insert into table2 values ('ghi', 'LessBigValue')

    insert into table2 values ('jkl', 'ThisBigValue')

    insert into table2 values ('mno', 'ThatBigValue')

    create table tableXREF

    (XrefID int identity(1,1) not null,

     col1 int not null,

     colA int not null


    alter table dbo.tableXREF add constraint

     IX_tableXREF unique nonclustered




    &nbsp on [PRIMARY]


    insert into tableXREF

    (col1, colA)

    select t1.col1,


    from (select col1 from table1 where col2 = 'ABC') as t1

    cross join (select colA from table2 where colB = 'ghi') as t2

    Hope this helps!!!


  • oh man... thanks! the picture is starting to clear up now.

    question though... i'm not that good at tsql, and would

    like to know why this is all about --> identity(1,1)

    i know what (int identity) is for, but not aware of the "(1,1).

    what is that doing exactly?

    by the way... thanks for the join statement. i'm still working

    those out now.

    i also notice you ar running a truncation after you create each table. why is that?


  • identity(1,1)

    Identity seed (=start) = 1 (first parameter)

    Increase by 1 (second)

  • don't think i like joins. trying

    to know them better at the moment.

    they are critical. it's the only

    type of operation that makes many-to-many



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