Extracting data from Progress database using SSIS

  • I'm having a problem extracing data from Progress database into sql server 2005 Enterprise Ed using SSIS.

    I cannot go past congifuring the Connection manager/Data flow source to correctly connect to Progress Database.

    I'm using OpenLink Lite for Progress 9.1b drivers.

    This works fine with DTS on SQL Server 2000 Enterprise.

    Any Help or Suggestion is welcome.

    Thank you


  • I went through this same, painful process.

    Here's what I used:


    MERANT 3.60 32-BIT Progress SQL92 v9.1D

    Connection String:

    Driver={MERANT 3.60 32-BIT Progress SQL92 v9.1D};uid=username;password=password;databasename=dbname;portnumber=1234;hostname=123.456.789.101

    In your data flow tasks, configure the connections to PROGRESS as OLEDB sources. Try different combinations for your SQL string as PROGRESS interprets the queries slightly... different.

    I tried several different combinations before I got that one to work. Good luck...

  • Thank you Aaron. I will try the Merant drivers.

    Did you ever try the Openlink Lite Drivers?


  • I honestly don't recall. I remember I tried the DataDirect drivers as well as the 3.7 version of the Merant drivers with no success.

  • Thanks Aaron

  • where do you get the drivers for connecting to a progress db?

  • Hey guys I have a small project due for my work that requires converting tables from Progress into SQL 2005 and need

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