Space Available Equal 0

  • I am running an application, Microsoft CRM 3.0 Small Business Edition, which is using SQL 2005.  I am having a problem with it and I am trying to identify if it is being caused by Microsoft CRM or by SQL 2005.

    I find that while I can add new records to my Microsoft CRM database I cannot add or modify any custom fields.

    If I try to add or modify a custom field I just get a very generic error message saying:

    "An error has occurred.  For more information, please contact your system adiministrator."

    If I go into SQL Server Management Studio and look at the properties for my Microsoft CRM DB I see the following:

    Space available is 0

    RB_Data_Services_MSCRM.mdf  size is 594 MB

    RB_Data_Services_MSCRM_Log.ldf  size is 65 MB

    I have both of those files set with Enable Autogrowth and Unrestricted File Growth and have about 140 GB of free hard disk space on that server.

    Is the space available of 0 most likely causing my problem?  If so, how would I go about increasing it?

    I tried going into database properties and selecting Page and then went to the initial size column and increased the number for the mdf and ldf files but when I was done and saved it and then looked at space available it still showed as 0.

    I am running this on SBS 2003 Premium Edition.  When I initially installed Microsoft CRM I was running SQL 2000 and then recently upgraded to SQL 2005.  I believe that after I upgraded to SQL 2005 that I was able to add new custom fields.

    Any ideas?


    Rick Bellefond


  • It should be as long as it set to autogrow...

    When you insert new data and SQL requires more space it will grow automatically...or you can increase the size manually...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Hi

    Manually increase the DB size and re-start SQL server and agent service. It should work.


  • try running a dbcc updateusage(0) against the database(s)

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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