SQL Developer and DBA

  • We are seeking skilled person(s) to fulfil ongoing developmental role. The job will require good logical and problem solving abilities. Tasks include development of new online services for the company as well as extending and maintaining existing services. Further details will be provided to interested applicants.

    Languages Required:

    MS T-SQL (including linked servers and distributed transactions)


    Ability to write and compose 'clean' coding making use and re-use of code and functions compiled in the server array.

    Excellent understanding of indexes, primary keys and workload distribution is required. Ability to 'read-debug' and problem solve performance issues.

    Ability to create stored procedures/applications based upon instructions give in project detail. Details will include the placement of objects, actions and required function/procedure outcomes/actions.

    No requirement to know ASP, HTML, Flash scripting.

    On application, a progamming scenario will need to be completed to demonstrate programming abilities and coding techniques.

    Ability to work in a small team or alone, may occasionally need to work and communicate in a large group.

    Guidelines will be provided to show exact requirements of 'clean' coding and all required skills must be able to be demonstrated or shown in examples of past work.


    Initial 3 month trial period followed of a 6 or 12 month period (as negotiated).


    Total contract package equates to $80,000 AUD per year (12 months).


    Immediate start.

    Further details and applications:

    For further details or to submit your application, please contact jobs@iwwd.com. Applicants from Australia, New Zealand or the South Pacific preferred.

  • I'm just a bit intrigued by the rate, as a mercenary contractor/consultant < grin >  , is this a typical rate for Australia ?

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Hey Neil,

    I am interested in working remotely..


  • Colin: As I live in Sydney I think I can speak with some authority. $80k is about $40/hr over 12 months. That's a little low if you are in Sydney or Melbourne, but good elsewhere. I'd say $60+/hr is more like it in Syd/Melb. If the job is in Sydney, the cost of living is high but you will be OK if you just plan to rent a place. Forget about a car. However, Sydney has one of the worst rail networks in the world (affectionately known as Shityrail - http://www.shityrail.com). Buses aren't much better. So, make sure you live close to work. Melbourne is a nicer city - better food, shopping, arts, etc. - but Sydney has nicer weather and good beaches. Brisbane is a dump. Adelaide is about 20 years behind the rest of us. Perth...dunno. Oh yeah, there's Tasmania but God help you if that's where the job is.

    There is also a thing called superannuation. It's sort of like social security in America. Not sure what the UK version is called. It's a 9% government-mandated retirement contribution that employers pay on behalf of employees. However, if you are a temporary resident you can get it when you leave (http://www.ato.gov.au/superprofessionals/content.asp?doc=/content/29527.htm)

    May the force be with you.

    James Stover, McDBA

  • Last time I checked australian contract jobs, one of the requirements was being a resident. If you're not, you'd need to apply for immigration and pass all those requirements. And the whole process could take many months.

    Has anyone done that?

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