• Hi all,

    I m facing problem while restoring a clustered backup database of sql 2000 enterprise edition using Veritas backupexec version 8.6 / 9 on nonclustered environment. database size is in the range of 200 gb. database is in simple recovery mode, and we are using ultrium tape device.

    your valued support, ideas will be highly appriciated.



  • I would be surprised if this is anything to do with the fact you a restoring from a clustered environment to a "normal" server.  But please will you provide more details of the problem you're facing (error messages and so on) and then somebody should be able to help you.


  • Hi John,

    Thanks for your quick and prompt support.

    here i m sending error details which i m getting from veritas backupexec

    An error occurred while executing the following query: "".

     On server: "<SERVERNAME>".

     SQL error number: "0C46".

     SQL error message: "File 'DATABASE_Data' cannot be restored over the existing 'DATABASELOCATION.mdf'. Reissue the RESTORE statement using WITH REPLACE to overwrite pre-existing files.


    I had tried with deleting MDF, LDF, and NDF files and try to restore.

    other thing is that it is giving errors to different databases every time.




  • Chandu

    It looks as if you're trying to overwrite a database on the destination server that has a different name from the database that was backed up.  Is that right?  I'm not familiar with Backup Exec and you don't say whether you're using a GUI or command-line version, but I think there will be an option box for you to tick in the GUI or a switch in the command line that is the equivalent of the WITH REPLACE option in T-SQL.

    I don't recommend deleting any of the existing data files.  In actual fact you can't do that unless you either stop SQL Server or detach the database first.

    Hope that helps


  • John,

    I had tried all the possible options, i dont know what i m missing.

    If it is problem with TAPE it should not restore any of the database.

    If it is problem with TAPE Drive then also it should not restore any of the database.

    If it is problem with data then it should give me error while backup database.

    If it is case of veritas i had updated all the required patches explained on the veritas support site.

    Expecting some more thoughts.





  • Is the database still listed in the EM?  Or does it show up if you run

    Select * From master..sysdatabases





  • P.S.

    Did you apply all of the patches BEFORE you created the backup?  There was a case with that product where an error message would lead you via their KB to a patch that was required to be applied before the backup was taken, which is difficult to accomplish without a time machine.

    It's also why I won't use that product ever again.


  • When you restore you have to make sure the paths to where the database files need to go are correct. The database presumes that you would like to restore over you 'old' database and thus keeps all the old information there, what I would suggest is that you so thru the process and check to see if you can change where you can place the new files, you can even renames these files as SQL will keep track of what files belong to that devics that belong to what databases.

    Lukas Botha

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