specific group average

  • I have this stored procedure here. I want to get the course average by course,cost center. as you can see the score as character in the table. I need to take off the Waived and 0% percent. The result did not work out right.

    I think I need to GROUP BY [?].[Quiz Name] after the first select statement. but I do not know how to do that. Thx.

    ALTER  PROCEDURE dbo.[AverageDeptScore] AS

    SELECT   distinct AVG(CAST(SUBSTRING(A.Score, 1, 2) AS int)) AS AvgScore, HREMP.CC, A.[Quiz Name]

    FROM   I need to add more here (select * from  [Quiz Log] where ([Quiz Log].Score <> 'Waived') AND ([Quiz Log].Score <> '0%')) as A INNER JOIN

                          HREMP ON [A].[Employee Name] = HREMP.[FULL NAME] AND [A].DOB = HREMP.DOB

    GROUP BY [A].[Quiz Name], HREMP.CC, HREMP.CC

    HAVING      (HREMP.CC = N'010018200')







  • What result did you expect to get and what result did you actually get?  What was wrong with your results?

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • When I run this query

     select  distinct [Quiz Name], Score from  [Quiz Log]  INNER JOIN

                          HREMP ON [Quiz Log].[Employee Name] = HREMP.[FULL NAME] AND [Quiz Log].DOB = HREMP.DOB

    where   (HREMP.CC = N'010018200') and ([Quiz Log].Score <> 'Waived' AND [Quiz Log].Score <> '0%')

    I got this result. I expected.

    Back Injury Prevention average   will be  90%.

    Back Injury Prevention                             100%     

    Back Injury Prevention                             80%      

    Back Injury Prevention                             90%      

    Corporate Compliance                               100%     

    Corporate Compliance                               80%      

    Corporate Compliance                               90%      

    Ethics                                             100%     

    Ethics                                             80%      

    Ethics                                             90%      

    Event Reporting                                    100%     

    Event Reporting                                    80%      

    Event Reporting                                    90%      

    HIPAA Privacy                                      100%     

    HIPAA Privacy                                      90%      

    HIPAA Security                                     100%     

    HIPAA Security                                     70%      

    HIPAA Security                                     80%      

    Infection Control                                  100%     

    Infection Control                                  90%      

    Mission Integration                                100%     

    Mission Integration                                90%      

    Quality Improvement                                100%     

    Quality Improvement                                70%      

    Quality Improvement                                80%      

    Quality Improvement                                90%      

    Safety                                             100%     

    Safety                                             90%      

    Sharps Injury Prevention                           90%      

    Slips and Falls                                    100%     

    Slips and Falls                                    70%      

    Slips and Falls                                    90%      

    Use this

    SELECT   distinct AVG(CAST(SUBSTRING(A.Score, 1, 2) AS int)) AS AvgScore, HREMP.CC, A.[Quiz Name]

    FROM       (select * from  [Quiz Log] where ([Quiz Log].Score <> 'Waived') AND ([Quiz Log].Score <> '0%')) as A INNER JOIN

                          HREMP ON [A].[Employee Name] = HREMP.[FULL NAME] AND [A].DOB = HREMP.DOB

    GROUP BY [A].[Quiz Name], HREMP.CC, HREMP.CC

    HAVING      (HREMP.CC = N'010018200')

    I got the result.

    56% 010018200 Back Injury Prevention

    I think because the average where or group did not come up right here.


  • The first thing to try is

    AVG(CAST(SUBSTRING(A.Score, 1, len(A.Score) - 1) AS int))

    By using SUBSTRING(A.Score, 1, 2) "100%" will be 10. 

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • After I changed the result became:

    SELECT   distinct AVG(CAST(SUBSTRING(A.Score, 1, len(A.Score) - 1) AS int))  AS AvgScore, HREMP.CC, A.[Quiz Name]

    FROM       (select * from  [Quiz Log] where ([Quiz Log].Score <> 'Waived') AND ([Quiz Log].Score <> '0%')) as A INNER JOIN

                          HREMP ON [A].[Employee Name] = HREMP.[FULL NAME] AND [A].DOB = HREMP.DOB

    GROUP BY [A].[Quiz Name], HREMP.CC

    HAVING      (HREMP.CC = N'010018200')

    92 010018200 Back Injury Prevention                           

    95 010018200 Corporate Compliance                             

    94 010018200 Ethics                                           

    92 010018200 Event Reporting                                  

    97 010018200 HIPAA Privacy                                    

    94 010018200 HIPAA Security                                   

    98 010018200 Infection Control                                

    96 010018200 Mission Integration                              

    90 010018200 Quality Improvement                              

    96 010018200 Safety                                           

    90 010018200 Sharps Injury Prevention                         

    91 010018200 Slips and Falls                                  

     select  distinct [Quiz Name], Score from  [Quiz Log]  INNER JOIN

                          HREMP ON [Quiz Log].[Employee Name] = HREMP.[FULL NAME] AND [Quiz Log].DOB = HREMP.DOB

    where   (HREMP.CC = N'010018200') and ([Quiz Log].Score <> 'Waived' AND [Quiz Log].Score <> '0%')


    Back Injury Prevention                             100%     

    Back Injury Prevention                             80%      

    Back Injury Prevention                             90%      

    Corporate Compliance                               100%     

    Corporate Compliance                               80%      

    Corporate Compliance                               90%      

    Ethics                                             100%     

    Ethics                                             80%      

    Ethics                                             90%      

    Event Reporting                                    100%     

    Event Reporting                                    80%      

    Event Reporting                                    90%      

    HIPAA Privacy                                      100%     

    HIPAA Privacy                                      90%      

    HIPAA Security                                     100%     

    HIPAA Security                                     70%      

    HIPAA Security                                     80%      

    Infection Control                                  100%     

    Infection Control                                  90%      

    Mission Integration                                100%     

    Mission Integration                                90%      

    Quality Improvement                                100%     

    Quality Improvement                                70%      

    Quality Improvement                                80%      

    Quality Improvement                                90%      

    Safety                                             100%     

    Safety                                             90%      

    Sharps Injury Prevention                           90%      

    Slips and Falls                                    100%     

    Slips and Falls                                    70%      

    Slips and Falls                                    90%      

    Which is not right , too? Thx.

    The first three answers should be 90%. The first two is bigger. the third one should be smaller.

  • Do you allow nulls to any of the agregate columns?

  • NULLABLE is allowable. but all the data would be on the column.

  • --I don't know if you are experiencing that particular problem but it's always worth mentioning it


       AVG(dtDemo.N) AS Avg1

     , COUNT(*) AS Count1

     , SUM(dtDemo.N) AS Sum1

     , SUM(dtDemo.N) /COUNT(*) AS AVG2

    FROM  ( 

     SELECT 4 AS N




     SELECT 4


     SELECT 4

    &nbsp dtDemo

  • .


    hard to comprehend you demo

  • What are you not understanding?

    Do you see something wrong with the results of the 2 averages?

  • I do not understand your union statement.

    92 010018200 Back Injury Prevention                             5 460

    95 010018200 Corporate Compliance                               8 760

    94 010018200 Ethics                                             5 470

    92 010018200 Event Reporting                                    5 460

    97 010018200 HIPAA Privacy                                      7 680

    94 010018200 HIPAA Security                                     9 850

    98 010018200 Infection Control                                  6 590

    96 010018200 Mission Integration                                6 580

    90 010018200 Quality Improvement                                8 720

    96 010018200 Safety                                             6 580

    90 010018200 Sharps Injury Prevention                           2 180

    91 010018200 Slips and Falls                                    6 550

    92 010018200 Back Injury Prevention                             5 460

    95 010018200 Corporate Compliance                               8 760

    94 010018200 Ethics                                             5 470

    92 010018200 Event Reporting                                    5 460

    97 010018200 HIPAA Privacy                                      7 680

    94 010018200 HIPAA Security                                     9 850

    98 010018200 Infection Control                                  6 590

    96 010018200 Mission Integration                                6 580

    90 010018200 Quality Improvement                                8 720

    96 010018200 Safety                                             6 580

    90 010018200 Sharps Injury Prevention                           2 180

    91 010018200 Slips and Falls                                    6 550

     if I do this way

    SELECT    AVG(CAST(SUBSTRING(A.Score, 1, len(A.Score) - 1) AS int))  AS AvgScore, HREMP.CC, A.[Quiz Name], Count(*) as CountT, Sum(CAST(SUBSTRING(A.Score, 1, len(A.Score) - 1) AS int)) as SumT, SumT/CountT

    FROM       (select * from  [Quiz Log] where ([Quiz Log].Score <> 'Waived') AND ([Quiz Log].Score <> '0%')) as A INNER JOIN

                          HREMP ON [A].[Employee Name] = HREMP.[FULL NAME] AND [A].DOB = HREMP.DOB

    GROUP BY [A].[Quiz Name], HREMP.CC

    HAVING      (HREMP.CC = N'010018200')

    It will give me the error

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

    Invalid column name 'SumT'.

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Invalid column name 'CountT'.

  • I was just demonstrating with a sample dataset that AVG and sum/count() handle nulls differently.  Now to think of it I would assume that the avg would be too low and not too high so I guess you have a different problem on your hand.  Have you checked that the where conditions return the correct data and that there's no invalid data in the tables?

  • Yes. I check all the data no null data in the column and I check the where . it is OK.

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