Not getting the desired result.

  • Can anyone see why this query is not give me only vendors that are fvtype = "MD" "Where exists(Select * From apvend Where fvtype = 'MD')"

    Declare @StartD smalldatetime, @EndD smalldatetime

    Set @StartD = '12/01/2006'

    Set @EndD = '12/31/2006'


    SELECT [rcmast].[fpono] as "Purchase Order Number"

          ,[rcitem].[fpoitemno]as "PO Line Item Release Number"

          ,[rcmast].[fcompany] as "Supplier Name"

          ,[rcitem].[fvendno] as "Supplier ID"

          ,[rcitem].[fpartno] as "Part Number"

          ,[rcitem].[fdescript] as "Part Description"

          ,[rcitem].[fmeasure] as "UoM"

          ,[rcitem].[fqtyrecv] as "Quantity Received"

          ,[rcmast].[fdaterecv] as " Date Received"

            ,poitem.flstpdate as "Date Due"


      FROM [M2MDATA01].[dbo].[rcmast]

    Join rcitem on rcmast.freceiver = rcitem.freceiver

    Join poitem on rcmast.fpono = poitem.fpono and poitem.fitemno = rcitem.fpoitemno and poitem.frelsno = rcitem.frelsno

    Where exists(Select * From apvend   Where fvtype = 'MD')

    and fdaterecv between @StartD and @endD and docstatus = 'Received' and rcitem.ftype = 'P'


    order by [rcitem].[fvendno]--rcmast.fpono


  • This is the main problem

    Where exists(Select * From apvend   Where fvtype = 'MD')


    It will always return true or always return false because fvtype = 'MD' will also be true or false, not one or the other.


    You either need to correlate the exists clause or use one more inner join to set that filter.

  • Thanks for the help!!

    Could you give me an example on using in a inner join?

    Here is want I think you mean by correlate. Let me know if I am right.

    Where [rcitem].[fvendno] in (Select fvendno From apvend Where fvtype = 'MD') and [rcmast].[fdaterecv] between @StartD and @endD and rcmast.docstatus = 'Received' and rcitem.ftype = 'P'

  • I'm not sure I'm following and I don't want to guess at this one.

    Can you post the tables ddl for the 2 tables concerned, some sample data from both tables and the required output.  Clearly stating what data must be presented and what data must be filtered?

  • Please excuse my ignorance but want do you mean by ddl? The structure of the db?

  • Yup : DDL = data definition language.

  • Thanks!

  • Where exists(Select 1 From apvend   Where fvtype = 'MD' AND apvend.[rcitem].[fvendno] = [rcitem].[fvendno])

    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • Thanks for your help! I think I got what I needed so I won't bother you with the data.

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