Green connected icon !

  • Hi everyone

    Strange issue here. Installed SQL 2005 Dev on both my laptop and desktop running XP SP2 without issues.

    When I connect to each machine locally no problem , I get the green icon and all the available option from right clicking on a connected server.

    However when I try to connect to another SQL server running on XP , i.e. my laptop I get connection but the normal green icon remains white , and I do not get the start , stop , pause etc options ?

    I can see data in QA on the connected database but just seem to be missing something.

    Any ideas , or any seen this before ?

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  • How do you connect to the server? It is possible that your login does not have rights to start or stop the services when connecting remotely

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Yelena

    Thanks for reply.

    Have tried both windows and SQL connections.Windows account had sysadmin. Still the same issue on both attempts, the icon stays white !!

  • El,

    Can you use Computer Management to start service on the laptop from the desktop and back? Open Computer Management Console, Action menu ->Connect to Another Computer and see if you can restart services on another machine from the Services container. If you can not do it through the Services, then your authentication is not coming through, ask your network admins, maybe machines are in different domains or off the domain.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Yelena

    Hi , can connect via the console to both machines , both ways. No problems in stopping or starting any services that way.

    That seems to work fine.

  • im experiencing the same. i'm assuming that it's just a memory issue that is why it cant load the icons correctly. but I maybe wrong so im watching for replies here as well...

  • This may be a problem with WMI permissions. See if it makes a difference if you apply the changes detailed in the link.

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