Finding duplicates in a table.

  • Hi all,

    Table A with following structure

    RecID, CustID, CustName, TypeID

    with the following data




    Now, all I need to find out if there is a record (duplicates) which match CustID or CustName for TyprID='A' with rest of the TypeID's. In other words, I have to mark duplicate customers under TypeID = 'A' with rest of the customers in the same table.


    Customer table is quite big, if you guys can give me codes which can run effeciently, that would be great.


    Thanks in advance.

  • select





      group by



    Something like that will give you which ones have duplicates - depending on what columns you are tyring to work out the duplication on. If multiple columns just add more to the column list and the order by list.

    Then, once you have them you have to do something with them. Thats up to you





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  • I am sorry. I did not made questions very clear. Let me make it bit more clear on this.


    I want to find duplicates from TypeID 'A' and 'B' with the rest of TypeID. Its bit more complicated than before.


    thanks in advance


    FROM Customer A

    WHERE TypeID = 'A'

    AND EXISTS(select 1 from Customer B

    where B.CustID = A.CustID AND B.TypeID <> A.TypeId)


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks a lot. Its working fine.

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