Jobs and DTS packages

  • I have a dts package that is scheduled as a job. This job is created under the admin ownership.

    The job is failing even when I log into the server as an admin and start(execute) the job. If I execute the dts package itself it runs successfully.

    Any ideas why this may be?



  • Do you have any ActiveX or Dynamic Steps running? Sometimes, these will run when executed from package, but not from scheduled job. Make sure the scripts or macros associated are absolutely correct (pointing to correct file, macro running properly on all steps) and double check scheduling on SQL Server Agent/Package. Usually there's a glitch (minor) somewhere in there)

    Kindest Regards,

    Just a bozo on this bus

  • What happens when the job fails?  Any errors in Job history?  Any errors in package log?



  • In job history:

    The job failed.The job was invoked by Schedule 88. The last step to run was step 1.

    I right clicked on properties and looked under the steps tab. There is only one step.

    I took a look at the package log and it doesn't show any errors.

    Is it possible that the job itself is just failing?

  • That's what it sounds like to me.  Make sure that the DTSRUN command in the job step has the correct package name and password (if there is one).  I don't ever include a package version id because you'd have to change it each time you make a change to the package and save it.  If you just use the package name, it will run the most recent version.




  • I dug a little deeper and found the following error on the job history:

    Executed as user: ITIC\itiadmin. DTSRun: Cannot create COM Server to load and execute DTS Package. Error -2147024770 (8007007E): The specified module could not be found. Process Exit Code -2147024770. The step failed.

    Do you know what htis means?



  • When you execute it manually and it's successful, is it from your workstation or logged into the server?

    Executing from your workstation could be invoking components local to your PC that aren't available on the server and might explain the error.

    Does your package contain any COM+ calls?

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