Query to retrieve row level value as Column wise


       I have table "test" with the value as,
                  Sno     Colour
                    1       Red
                    2       Blue
                    3       Green
      Now i want the result as
                 Column1  Column2  Cloumn3
                  Red        Green      Blue

     (i.e) i need a Query to retrive the value of Column colour as Column wise.





  • Interested to see for what purpose you want this format.

    Anytime I want to display the data in a different format, I use the application that the data will ultimately be published in.

    That saying, I use excel for this sort of job. Do a normal select statement and copy and paste the data into an excel spreadsheet. Then copy the block of data in excel and choose paste special. Click on the transpose check box, and volia the data appears as per your request.

    If you really need to see the data in the format within query analyzer, I have seen various posts on this site to do this.

    Search this site for 'transpose columns and rows' and there are a number of posts.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!



     I need to see the data in the format within query analyzer. I need a Query for that.



  • Do a search for Case,

    There are a million examples of this.

    create table #mytable (Sno int, Colour varchar(10))

    insert into #mytable (Sno, Colour)

    select 1,'Red' union

    select 2, 'Blue' union

    select 3, 'Green'

    select min(case sno when 1 then Colour end) as Column1,

    min(case sno when 2 then Colour end) as Column2,

    min(case sno when 3 then Colour end) as Column3

    from #Mytable

    drop #Mytable

  • Hai,

      The table which i given is just an example in my real time scenario there may be thousands of records. In such cases this case statement is not comfortable to do. I need a dynamic query to retrieve the results set.



  • This might be useful...



    Ryan Randall

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