Alternative to using DISTINCT with COUNT Function

  • Is there another way to get the same result from the following query. The reason I ask is because I am using SQL Mobile Everywhere, and the DISTINCT keyword can't be used within a COUNT function unfortunately.



  • Can U do Derived Table

    Select count(*)

    From (select distinct QuestionTreeUID FROM tbl_NSP_Answer) T

  • Or maybe a variable to store the @@ROWCOUNT ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • You forgetting people that I am using SQL Mobile Everywhere, so the use of sub-queries (only allowed in IN Clauses) isn't permitted, and @@ROWCOUNT doesn't work

    Thats why I need a simple SQL solution, if at all possible


  • Simple solution is proper database design.

    You suppose to have separate table with unique identfiers for your "QuestionTree"s.

    Probably you have, if you reference QuestionTreeUID.

    Then you select COUNT(*) from that table WHERE EXISTS (select 1 from tbl_NSP_Answer ....)

    Hope EXISTS works in SQL Mobile Everywhere

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • If temp tables are allowed, then you can do...

    select distinct(column)

    into #table

    from table

    select count(*) from #table

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • If it comes to worst... create a perm temp table with the spid as clustered index.  or maybe a table variable (not that I think you're allowed to do that at this point ).

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