Tricky Query need some help

  • CLIENTVendorIdChangeNoUserChangeDateTableFieldNewValueOldValue
    4110000000322                                                                                0004784121LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFB1                          MINDK                         HE       
    4110000000322                                                                                0004784121LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFB1                          CERDT                         2004071300000000
    4110000000322                                                                                0004784121LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFA1                          REVDB                         2004070100000000
    41100000003220004791742LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFA1                          REVDB                         2005081020040701
    4110000000322                                                                                0004791742LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFB1                          CERDT                         2005081020040713
    4110000000322                                                                                0009193338AMVANWYK    4/26/2006LFB1                          CERDT                         2004071320050810
    After  Change No 478121:      
    After Change No 4791742:      
    After Change No 9193338:      
     00000003227/13/200412/31/29998/10/2005HEAMVANWYK    4/26/2006 
    If on the 2nd Change the HDSAClassification also changed to say HO the records would look as follows:  
    I will ignore the 3rd change for simplicity sake.     
    4110000000322                                                                                0004784121LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFB1                          MINDK                         HE       
    4110000000322                                                                                0004784121LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFB1                          CERDT                         2004071300000000
    4110000000322                                                                                0004784121LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFA1                          REVDB                         2004070100000000
    4110000000322                                                                                0004791742LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFB1                          MINDK                         HO       
    41100000003220004791742LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFA1                          REVDB                         2005081020040701
    4110000000322                                                                                0004791742LOADSC3     11/29/2005LFB1                          CERDT                         2005081020040713
    After  Change No 478121:      
    After Change No 4791742:      
  • Michael,

    I am sorry if I can't really understand your post but:

    1. Can you write *in words* what is it that you want?

    2. Can you show an example *in tabular format* of the output. 




    * Noel

  • Hi


    Okay let’s try clear it up a bit.  The table is an audit table where only the changes are recorded. We are transforming the data into our data warehouse. Now the  mappings are as follows. These are the only field types we are actually interested in

    CREDT = CertificationDate

    REVD = AccreditationDate

    MINDK – HDSAClassification


    What you will notice is that the ChangeNo Contains the field name that was changed and the old and new value. If you look at only the first table you should be able to see what type of transformation I am trying to achieve.

     0004784121 the row would need to look as follows;

    After  Change No 478121:


























    Then after the following change which is 0004791742


    After Change No 4791742:


























    Now the tricky bit is we need one row with any changes made to any of the following CREDT, REVD, MINDK, but if no change was made to any of the fields then we still need the old value in one row.


    To throw the final spanner in the works I need to get this done with out the use of a cursor due to the fact the script needs to run on a Teradata box.



    Hope this clears it up.


    And any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  • try:

    select  a.changeNo, a.VendorID, a.ChangeDate

      ,(SELECT NewValue as CertificationDate

      from AuditTable

      where Field = 'CREDT'

            and VendorID = a.vendorID

            and DateChange = (select  top 1 DateChange --find the latest that is less than or equal to a.Datechange

                              from AuditTable

                              where Field = 'CREDT'

                             and VendorID = a.vendorID

                             and DateChange <= a.DateChange

        order by DateChange desc, ChangeNo ) -- use changeNo to break ties

             )as CertificationDate

      ,(SELECT NewValue as AccreditationDate

      from AuditTable

      where Field = 'REVD'

            and VendorID = a.vendorID

            and DateChange = (select  top 1 DateChange --find the latest that is less than or equal to a.Datechange

                              from AuditTable

                              where Field = 'CREDT'

                             and VendorID = a.vendorID

                             and DateChange <= a.DateChange

        order by DateChange desc, ChangeNo ) -- use changeNo to break ties

             )as AccreditationDate

      , (SELECT NewValue as HDSAClassification

      from AuditTable

      where Field = 'MINDK'

            and VendorID = a.vendorID

            and DateChange = (select  top 1 DateChange --find the latest that is less than or equal to a.Datechange

                              from AuditTable

                              where Field = 'CREDT'

                             and VendorID = a.vendorID

                             and DateChange <= a.DateChange

        order by DateChange desc, ChangeNo ) -- use changeNo to break ties

             )as HDSAClassification

    from AuditTable

    where Field = 'CREDT'


    (select distinct changeNo, VendorID, ChangeDate

    from AuditTable

    where VendorId = '0000000322' -- to limit the amount of rows

          and ChangeDate > = '20030101'   

    ) a

    * Noel

  • Hi

    Thanks for the effort but the query does not seem to work..I have foung another way of getting what I wanted.




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