Better Way to do that Like ''%'' + + ''%'' or is Null) i

  • CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[getDueList]


    @unit VARCHAR(5 ),

    @cc varchar(11),

    @quizname VARCHAR( 25 )



    select unit, JobCCNO, [FULL NAME], SSN, EMPLNO ,[Unit Desc] , Department from dbo.occhemp

         select * from dbo.OcchEmp E


         where ( (E.Unit like '%'+@unit + '%' or @unit is null )

          and ( E.JobCCNo like '%'+ @cc +'%' or @cc is Null ) and (

     not exists (

       select *

             from dbo.[WinQuizLog] L

         where (L.[Employee Name]= E.[Full Name] and L.DOB = E.DOB and L.[Quiz Name] like '%' +@quizname +'%' or @quizname is null ) )




  • You could try adding an ISNULL, but I am not sure that will increase your processing time. 

    WHERE( ISNULL( E.Unit, @unit) LIKE '%' + @unit + '%') ...

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • If you mean "better way" in the sense of easier to read/maintain, then I would just have a line before the select statement that said

    SET @var = '%' + Coalesce(@var,'') + '%'

    and do all subsequent comparisons ala

    WHERE Name LIKE @var

    If you're looking for advice on dynamic search criteria generally, try

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