March 29, 2006 at 3:35 am
I would like to know how to solve a little problem I got here. I have some rows that I need to export as columns.
IE: A table has the following data rows
Person1, Code1
Person1, Code2
Person1, Code3
Person2, Code1
I need to make a SQL Script that results in the following:
Person1, Code1, Code2, Code3
Person2, Code1, null, null
I will need to do this in tables with more than 1 mill rows. Also the amount of rows for each person can vary, as there can be many Codes for a person.
March 29, 2006 at 4:55 am
There is a post here that might help (the one from Ryan Randall).
I will admit - I don't know _why_ it works!
March 29, 2006 at 5:17 am
Did I hear my name?
It looks to me (though I could be wrong) like that link isn't quite what you're looking for because you don't want to concatenate values, you want them as columns.
If I were feeling lazy, I'd use this stored procedure (by robvolk):
And the run like this...
create table ##Table1 (p varchar(10), c varchar(10))
insert ##Table1
select 'Person1', 'Code1'
union all select 'Person1', 'Code2'
union all select 'Person1', 'Code3'
union all select 'Person2', 'Code1'
exec dbo.crosstab 'select p from ##table1 group by p', 'max(c)', 'c', '##table1'
drop table ##Table1
Ryan Randall
Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.
March 30, 2006 at 2:02 am
Thanks for the fast replies, I'll look at them later today and see if I can use the solutions.
Best regards
March 30, 2006 at 2:14 am
Millions of rows you say?...
Be carefull because you can finally end-up with a record set with hundrends or maybe milions of columns....
When you 've got a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail...
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