Table linking problems

  • I would like to link a column, 'Account number' between two different databases.  The problem I have is that in one database the 'Account number' field is numeric and therefore strips all leading zero's.  The second database has the same column, but it is set up as CHAR which allows leading zeros.  The number of leading zeros in the table varies from account to account.  I would like to truncate the leading zeros in the CHAR table, or find some other way to make the linking statement ignore them.  Any suggestions?

  • Is there some reason why you can't just use cast? See example below...


    declare @t table ([Account number] char(10))

    insert @t

              select '00004'

    union all select '0010'

    union all select '1'

    union all select '0000200'

    union all select '00002'


    select [Account number], cast([Account number] as int) from @t

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • DOH!


    That is perfect.  I didn't remember that I could do that. 



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