Multiple parameters to nested iif statement.

  • Hi there,

    I've got a query with 3 parameters.

    The first is for location that can be left blank of the user fills in a textbox.


    The second is a date range in days (120, 90, 60).


    The third is a textbox that they can use to enter a date (dd/mm/yyyy/).


    Either the second or the third parameters are needed, in other words they are an OR.

    My question is can I nest an iif statement within another or should I go about this a different way.

    Ex. iif(Parameters!Location.Value <> "", iif(Parameters!DateRange.Value <> "", "select * from myTable where myLocation = '" & Parameters!Location.Value & '" and (DATEDIFF(day, myTable.myDate, getDate()) <= '" & Parameters!DateRange.Value & "')", "select * from myTable where myLocation = '" & Parameters!Location.Value & "' and myTable.myDate = '" & Parameters!ExplicitDate & "'",iif(Parameters!DateRange.Value <> "", "select * from myTable where (DATEDIFF(day, myTable.myDate, getDate()) <= '" & Parameters!DateRange.Value & "')", "select * from myTable where and myTable.myDate = '" & Parameters!ExplicitDate & "'" Ugly and convoluted not to mention it doesn't work...

  • finding it difficult to follow your logic, but you could do something like this:

    If(Parameters!Location.Value > "") then

    if(Parameters!DateRange.Value > ""

    select * from myTable

    where myLocation = '" & Parameters!Location.Value & '" and

    (DATEDIFF(day, myTable.myDate, getDate()) <= '" & Parameters!DateRange.Value &


    select * from myTable

    where myLocation = '" & Parameters!Location.Value & "' and

    myTable.myDate = '" & Parameters!ExplicitDate & "'"

    end if

    elseif (Parameters!Location.Value = "")....etc...

    Hope this is what you were looking for....

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • The If statements you wrote are the correct logic, the problem is that I'm writing this in the Data pane of Visual Studio and the syntax is iif, not the vb syntax. Unless I can use VB there...can I?

  • Couldn't you just do this in the SQL? e.g.

    SELECT * FROM mytable

    WHERE (@Location = Location)

      AND (

                   (@Date = Date)

              OR (@DateRange >= DATEDIFF(dd, Date, GETDATE()))


    Or am i missing something?

    Kindest Regards,


  • But if @Date or @DateRange is empty wouldn't that crap out? Also, this looks like something from a stored procedure or query analyzer, I don't think this syntax would work in a report. I'll have to test it.

  • i was thinking that your code was being used to select records into your report ie in the data pane, if so then you can use SQL or a stored proc... the code wouldn't crap out if the paramter had a NULL value but the user would not get any records returned. You could handle for this using ISNULL or a default value maybe...

    Kindest Regards,


  • Yes I'm using the data pane but I need to check if the @Location parameter has been entered yet. If it is use it in the WHERE clause, otherwise don't.

    This is why I'm using an expression:

    ="select * from mytable"

    instead of:

    select * from mytable

    because I'm incorporating the iif syntax.

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