Special Character Replacement

  • I've imported data from Excel which contains 0D when displayed.  I use the following to replace the CR.

     UPDATE @Main SET

      PN=REPLACE(PN, CHAR(13), ' ')  -- line feed

     FROM @Main

    However, when I display the @main temp table it still shows data as follows for a single string.  How can I rid myself of that cursed 0D?

    004069605 4A116

    3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5H860


  • Line feed is actually CHAR(10), while carriage return is CHAR(13). 

    Try this:

     UPDATE @Main SET

         PN = REPLACE( REPLACE( PN, CHAR(13), ' '), CHAR(10), ' ')  

     FROM @Main 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Farrell,

    I should have posted my cleanup code.  As you can see I've tried your recommendation previously and still get hosed text.

     UPDATE @Main SET

      PN=REPLACE(PN, CHAR(44), '')  -- comma

     FROM @Main

     UPDATE @Main SET

      PN=REPLACE(PN, CHAR(39), '')  -- single quote

     FROM @Main

     UPDATE @Main SET

      PN=REPLACE(PN, CHAR(38), '')  -- exclamation point

     FROM @Main 

     UPDATE @Main SET

      PN=REPLACE(PN, CHAR(34), ' ')  -- double quote

     FROM @Main

     UPDATE @Main SET

      PN=REPLACE(PN, CHAR(10), ' ')  -- carriage return

     FROM @Main

     UPDATE @Main SET

      PN=REPLACE(PN, CHAR(13), ' ')  -- line feed

     FROM @Main

     UPDATE @Main SET

      PN=REPLACE( REPLACE(PN, CHAR(13), ' '), CHAR( 10), ' ')  -- 0D?

     FROM @Main





  • We use a table and a function


    ( @ValueToAlter AS varchar(2000)) RETURNS varchar(2000)



     SELECT @ValueToAlter = REPLACE( @ValueToAlter, SearchForCharacter, ReplacementCharacter) FROM SpecialCharacters

     RETURN ( @ValueToAlter )



    The table SpecialCharacters contains:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SpecialCharacters] (

                [RowID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,

                [SearchForCharacter] [varchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

                [ReplacementCharacter] [varchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

                [Explanation] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL)


    That way you can keep adding as new odd characters come up if your user is pasting into a text box.  So far we have had very good luck with catching oddities.  You may have oddity like "end of text", "end of transmission", "escape" or something else and it is much easier to add to a table than keep coding. 

    Also, I highly recommend using the Explanation field!  Especailly for Newbies or fields that do not display well in Query Analyzer...

    Good luck! 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Farrell,

    Thanks!  That seems to be working well.


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