Why I can not restore from network mappping drive?

  • Hi, All

    I have a q for u.

    One of my SQL servers(B) can not restore from network mapping drive but the other(A) can. Here are the diffrences between them

    (I mean running by)

                                               A                              B

    MSSQLServer service            Network Acct          System Acct

    SQLAgent service                 System Acct           Network Acct

    A server can restore from network mapping drive-->EM can see network mapping but B can not see network mapping when I restore from EM..

    Based on this findings, can A server see network mapping because MSSQLServer service is running by network Acct?

    Thx in advance



  • A service running as a system account has no privelages for any networked resources.



    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • You need to start all the services (sql sever and sql server agent) under domain account. Also mapped drives are not displayed when u are trying to restore. You need to exlicitly specify the path and filename to restore it.


  • To restore over a network use an UNC.

    Such as: \\servername\c$\sqlbackups\MyDatabase.bak


    This assumes the account you have your service account using has access to the Admin share on the other box. 

  • If you set up your sqlserver to startup with a domain account, and then you log in as that account, then the mapped drive letters will work for a backup.

    That being said, most of the time the easiest thing to do is use the UNC path.



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