Report Rendering differently from different servers

  • Here is my situation. I have a report which is deployed to 3 servers at this time. One is my local dev machine, the other 2 are test servers. I have written code which renders the reporting for printing in IMAGE format using EMF. The report prints fine when being rendered from my machine, but seems to be expanding (larger font) when rendering from the 2 remote servers.

    I am using the same code to render each instance of the report. I have deployed the exact same project to all servers. All copies are printing to the same printer. Printer driver should not be an issue since I am going through a print server and even if I'm defaulting to local drivers, its all running from my machine anyway. I spent this morning verifying fonts on all machines but that didn't seem to fix anything. I even went so far as to check printer settings on all machines involved even though it was a total long shot.

    So, I can't find anything in the code (or the API) which would cause this. I'm probably missing something simple but its been a couple days now and I have no clue. I am new to RS so any help would be appreciated.


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Try checking your display properties, resolution and colors.


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