Deadlock error, why?

  • Hi All,

    I have a multithreded application using ADO .Net with SQL Server 2000. The application rarely is having a sql server deadlock error especially when updating tree structure. I turned on the Trace with DBCC TraceON  and analysing the log, I found that the error is on same stored procedure on same line called by two different threads. Surprising the statement at which error occurred is Insert Into Select statement which is first SQL statement in the stored proc. How in the world Insert Into Select statement can have a deadlock. The select part of the statement uses lock hints like With (Index(0), XLOCK). Is SQL Server trying to do some sort of implicit lock escalation while running Insert Into Select statement.

    Here is the trace report

    Deadlock encountered .... Printing deadlock information

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4    

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4     Wait-for graph

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4    

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4     Node:1

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4     KEY: 8:773577794:1 (0100190ab68f) CleanCnt:1 Mode: U Flags: 0x0

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4      Grant List 0::

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4        Owner:0x34d40f00 Mode: U        Flg:0x0 Ref:0 Life:02000000 SPID:95 ECID:0

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4        SPID: 95 ECID: 0 Statement Type: INSERT Line #: 72

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4        Input Buf: RPC Event: spDSAsset_RecurseStatus;1

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4      Requested By:

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4        ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: U SPID:59 ECID:0 Ec0x63863580) Value:0x5635cf40 Cost0/0)

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4    

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4     Node:2

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4     KEY: 8:773577794:1 (010027617460) CleanCnt:1 Mode: X Flags: 0x0

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4      Grant List 1::

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4        Owner:0x771d1f80 Mode: X        Flg:0x0 Ref:1 Life:02000000 SPID:59 ECID:0

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4        SPID: 59 ECID: 0 Statement Type: INSERT Line #: 72

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4        Input Buf: RPC Event: spDSAsset_RecurseStatus;1

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4      Requested By:

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4        ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: U SPID:95 ECID:0 Ec0x625B3580) Value:0x74834da0 Cost0/0)

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4     Victim Resource Owner:

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4      ResType:LockOwner Stype:'OR' Mode: U SPID:95 ECID:0 Ec0x625B3580) Value:0x74834da0 Cost0/0)

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4    

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4     End deadlock search 28448 ... a deadlock was found.

    2006-04-12 01:21:49.07 spid4     ----------------------------------

    Here is the stored proc

    Create Procedure spDSAsset_RecurseStatus (

      @decAssetID     DSID,

      @decSubstatus   decimal(5,2),

      @decJobID       DSID



    -- Propogate the status of the asset to its parent/s if status is Done Or Error Or Do Not Build

    -- by finding the status of other siblings.








      Declare @decParentAssetID     DSID

      Declare @decParentInstanceID  DSID

      Declare @decProcessStatus     Decimal(5,2)

      Declare @decChildSevereError  Decimal(5,2)

      Declare @decAllChildrenError  Decimal(5,2)

      Declare @decParentStatus      Decimal(5,2)

      Declare @decDoNotBuild        Decimal(5,2)

      Declare @intCurrStatus        tinyint

      Declare @intReadyForProcess   tinyint

      Declare @intDone              tinyint

      Declare @intDoNotBuild        tinyint

      Declare @intError             tinyint

      Declare @noAssetsDone         int

      Declare @noChildren           int

      Declare @intProcessStyle      int

      Declare @noAssetsDNB  int

      Declare @noAssetsSevereError  int

      Declare @noAssetsError        int

      Declare @intParentsUpdated    int

      Set @intParentsUpdated = 0

      SET @noAssetsDone = 0

      SET @noChildren = 0

      SET @noAssetsDNB = 0

      SET @noAssetsSevereError = 0

      Set @noAssetsError = 0

      Set @intDone = 0 -- Code for Done

      Set @intReadyForProcess = 2 -- Code for Ready for Processing

      Set @intError = 4

      Set @intDoNotBuild = 7 -- Code for Do Not Build

      Set @decDoNotBuild = 7.02 -- Code for Marked Do Not Build

      Set @decChildSevereError = 4.07 -- Code for at least one child failed with severe error

      Set @decAllChildrenError = 4.08 -- Code for all children failed with error

      Declare @ParentTable Table (AssetID Decimal(18,0), InstanceID Decimal(18,0), NewStatus Decimal(5,2),

                                  Children int, ChildrenDone int, ChildrenDNB int, ChildrenError int, ChildrenSevereError int)

      If (@decJobID=0)

        Set @decJobID = Null

      Set @intCurrStatus = Cast(@decSubstatus as tinyint)

      -- start a transaction

      Begin Tran

      If (@intCurrStatus in (@intError, @intDoNotBuild, @intDone))   -- recurse only if SetToIgnore, DoNotBuild or Done


        Insert Into @ParentTable (AssetID, InstanceID, Children, ChildrenDone, ChildrenDNB, ChildrenError, ChildrenSevereError)

        Select    PARENTASSET.AssetID, Min(PARENTINST.InstanceID),

                  Count(Distinct ASSET.AssetID),

                  Count(Distinct ASSETDONE.AssetID),

                  Count(Distinct ASSETDNB.AssetID),

                  Count(Distinct ASSETERROR.AssetID),

                  Count(Distinct ASSETSEVERE.AssetID)

            From  DS_AssetInstance CURRINST With (NOLOCK), DS_AssetInstance PARENTINST With (NOLOCK), DS_V_CurrentAsset PARENTASSET With (Index(0), XLOCK),

                    DS_AssetInstance CHILDINST With (NOLOCK)

                  Left Outer Join DS_V_CurrentAsset ASSET With (Index(0), UPDLOCK) On ASSET.AssetID=CHILDINST.AssetID

                  Left Outer Join DS_V_CurrentAsset ASSETDONE With (Index(0), UPDLOCK) On ASSETDONE.AssetID=CHILDINST.AssetID And Cast(ASSETDONE.ProcessStatus as int)=@intDone

                  Left Outer Join DS_V_CurrentAsset ASSETDNB With (Index(0), UPDLOCK) On ASSETDNB.AssetID=CHILDINST.AssetID And Cast(ASSETDNB.ProcessStatus as int)=@intDoNotBuild

                    Left Outer Join DS_V_CurrentAsset ASSETERROR With (Index(0), UPDLOCK) On ASSETERROR.AssetID=CHILDINST.AssetID And Cast(ASSETERROR.ProcessStatus as int)=@intError

                    Left Outer Join DS_V_CurrentAsset ASSETSEVERE With (Index(0), UPDLOCK) Inner Join DS_ProcessStyleErrorStates PSES With (NOLOCK)

                     On PSES.ProcessStyleID=ASSETSEVERE.ProcessStyleID And ASSETSEVERE.ProcessStatus=PSES.ProcessStatus And PSES.IsSevereError=1

                  On ASSETSEVERE.AssetID=CHILDINST.AssetID And Cast(ASSETERROR.ProcessStatus as int)=@intError

            Where   CURRINST.ParentInstanceID=PARENTINST.InstanceID And PARENTINST.AssetID=PARENTASSET.AssetID

                    And CHILDINST.ParentInstanceID=PARENTINST.InstanceID And CURRINST.AssetID=@decAssetID

                    And Cast(PARENTASSET.ProcessStatus as int) != @intDoNotBuild

            Group By PARENTASSET.AssetID Order By PARENTASSET.AssetID


        Declare ParentInstance Cursor Local Dynamic Scroll_locks For

        Select Distinct AssetID, InstanceID, Children, ChildrenDone, ChildrenDNB, ChildrenError, ChildrenSevereError From @ParentTable

        Open ParentInstance

        Fetch Next From ParentInstance Into @decParentAssetID, @decParentInstanceID, @noChildren, @noAssetsDone, @noAssetsDNB, @noAssetsError, @noAssetsSevereError

        While (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)


          If (@noAssetsDNB = @noChildren Or @noAssetsError=@noChildren Or @noAssetsSevereError > 0)


            If (@noAssetsSevereError > 0)

              Set @decParentStatus = @decChildSevereError

            Else If (@noAssetsDNB = @noChildren)

              Set @decParentStatus = @decDoNotBuild


              Set @decParentStatus = @decAllChildrenError

            -- Update the status of current parent

            Update DS_V_CurrentAsset Set rocessStatus=@decParentStatus">ProcessStatus=@decParentStatus Where AssetID=@decParentAssetID And rocessStatus!=@decParentStatus">ProcessStatus!=@decParentStatus

            If (@@ROWCOUNT > 0)


              Update @ParentTable Set NewStatus=@decParentStatus Where AssetID=@decParentAssetID

              Set @intParentsUpdated = @intParentsUpdated + 1



          Else If ((@noAssetsDone + @noAssetsDNB + @noAssetsError) = @noChildren)

            Update DS_V_CurrentAsset Set rocessStatus=@intReadyForProcess">ProcessStatus=@intReadyForProcess, JobID=IsNull(@decJobID, JobID) Where AssetID=@decParentAssetID


          Fetch Next From ParentInstance Into @decParentAssetID, @decParentInstanceID, @noChildren, @noAssetsDone, @noAssetsDNB, @noAssetsError, @noAssetsSevereError


        Close ParentInstance

        Deallocate ParentInstance


      -- complete transaction

      Commit Tran





  • In my understanding what is happening here is

    Node 1 is Mode : U

    i.e. update lock, SQL Server intends to modify a row or page, and later promotes the update page lock to an exclusive lock.

    In your case after select you are going to Insert into @ParentTable

    At the same time  another thread 2 wants the same thing. First it tries to get the update lock which is not available, so it automatically escalates to next level and try to see if it can get Exclusive lock (Mode X) but due to exact timing, this lock level is also not available and thus resulted in deadlock.





    Kindest Regards,

    Sameer Raval [Sql Server DBA]
    Geico Insurance

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