Host Column Information On the Process Info Window

  • My understanding after reading BOL is that this column should displayed the client pc connected to the database. I have a situation on our production server, where the users of certain access application showed the machine name where the application was last modified instead. Is does not displayed the domain pc that is currently accesing the database. We  found this out whne we saw over 20 different users using the same host. We proceed to disconnect that host from the domain but the users connection were not affected. 

    Is this a bug? We have research the regedit entries, the code in the application but the developer can't find how or why this is happening.

    We want to know the correct information of which users are accessing the db and the client their using to access.

    Any help on this one!!!

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  • This host may not be in the domain but still on the network and the application is installed on this host, so users do go through this server

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • I'm confused. If the computer("host") is not physically connected to network, the application is not on it neither, how can the users go thru this computer("host")? Is does not makes sense. 

  • You said "disconnected from the domain" so I got it that the computer was still on the network just not a member of the domain. I do have servers that are not members of the same domain or not members of the domain at all but can talk to each other.

    If the computer is not on the network then obviously nothing can connect through it.

    Did you refresh the Current Activity window? It has to be refreshed, does not do it by itself.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Its been several versions of everything and several more years than that since I last used Access to attach to SQL databases, but I'll take a stab at this anyway. Won't be the first time I've been wrong around here!

    If I understand your architecture, your end users connect to an Access application on the network, and Access in turn connects to SQL as a data source. Access is acting as a middle tier application server, so it is the Access machine, not the end user PC, that is making the connection to SQL Server, and the reported host is accurate.

    It may be that the connection properties can be set to somehow pass the users environment on to SQL, but I doubt it (but note my comment above - I've been know to get it wrong!) You might post this question in the Access forum if you haven't already.

  • Your response makes sense. Howver, the Access application is not on the host that the column shows. The devloper did use that pc to compile the application. The column shows the client where the executable was last recompile for that user. 

  • I have noticed this also with Access ( also with excel ), last user or original creators name shows up as the host name of the spid.  To find out truly who is connected I ended up looking at the net address and determined that it was truly different people connecting to the server.  I looked at this as a bug.  I even tried to find the access property where the value was stored to see if clearing that would stop the issue from happening but never found it.  I'm not sure how big your network is but I ended up creating a table of network address (nic mac address) and computer names and I joined sysprocesses to my table to get the person running the queries



  • Thanks Tom will try to do the same your doing. This application has several concurrent users.

  • In an effort to let you know that y'all are not crazy, and that this is a real problem, here's what we did...

    We created a new Access database on ComputerA that links to a table of the Northwind database on one of our SQL 2000 servers. When we open the Access database on ComputerA, the Process Info window shows ComputerA in the Host column. When we copy the Access database to ComputerB and open it there, it shows ComputerA in the Host column. When we unlink and relink the Northwind table on ComputerB, the Host column shows ComputerB. When we copy the modified database back to ComputerA and open it, the Host column shows ComputerB.

    Basically, I've surmised that the client provides the net address and host information to SQL server and that, for some reason, when Access is the client, it provides the host name of the computer where the database was last modified, just like Tom Goltl said earlier.

    This is a real irritation, and the most irritating thing is that, other than this forum right here, there is no reference to this anywhere in the whole world.

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