Stored Procedure Takes a Long Time As A Scheduled Task

  • Hi Everyone,

    When I run the SP I have copied below in Query Analzyer, it runs in about 15 mins. That's okay as it's a batch process. When I run it as a step in a SQL Scheduled Task it takes more then 1 hour. I can't figure out what the difference is. The step in the task is EXEC CreatePolygonTileIndex.

    Here is the sp:

    CREATE Procedure [dbo].[CreatePolygonTileIndex]



    DROP TABLE PolygonTileIndex

    CREATE TABLE PolygonTileIndex (TIX int, TIY int, MSLINK int)


      SELECT MSLINK, CAST(XLOW/1000 AS Int), CAST(YLOW/1000 AS Int), CAST(XHIGH/1000 AS Int), CAST(YHIGH/1000 AS Int)

      FROM Polygon

    DECLARE @mslink int

    DECLARE @xlow int

    DECLARE @ylow int

    DECLARE @xhigh int

    DECLARE @yhigh int

    DECLARE @xi int

    DECLARE @yi int

    OPEN Coalesce_Cursor

    WHILE (1 = 1)


     FETCH NEXT FROM Coalesce_Cursor INTO @mslink, @xlow, @ylow, @xhigh, @yhigh

     IF (@@fetch_status = -1) BEGIN BREAK END

     IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)


    SET @xi = @xlow

    WHILE (@xi <= @xhigh)


     SET @yi = @ylow

     WHILE (@yi <= @yhigh)


      INSERT PolygonTileIndex (TIX, TIY, MsLink)

      VALUES (@xi, @yi, @mslink)

      SET @yi = @yi + 1


     SET @xi = @xi + 1




    DEALLOCATE Coalesce_Cursor

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_PolygonTileIndex_TileIndex ON PolygonTileIndex (TIX, TIY)



  • 4 things.

    1.  the drop and create may be causing the SP to re-compile.  try to move this outside the SP.

    2.  your dropping/creating of 1 table....has implications for running 2 people this SP at the same it won't work....and has implications for any rights granted will be dropped as well.  (the command TRUNCATE may work faster and achieve the same result)

    3.  Always qualify references to tables with "dbo."....faster, improves ability to use cache, etc.


    4.  your real problem is with the cursor....there should be a way that this could be done in a set-based technique far faster.  Please post table design, some sample input data and sample expected results....and we may be able to get this to run 100times faster.

  • Thanks for the input.

    I will try truncating the table in place of the drop and recreate this morning.

    The drop and create is not an issue as this is not a user stored procedure. Kicked off by one batch job that I schedule.

    I will add the references to dbo.

    Here is the design of the table.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (

     [TIX] [int] NULL ,

     [TIY] [int] NULL ,

     [MSLINK] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    The result of the SP is a load PolygonTileIndex. Here is a couple samples of data:

    TIX         TIY         MSLINK     

    ----------- ----------- -----------

    -329        5970        903912

    -329        5970        903942

    Sample Input used in the Select Part of the SP:

    MSLINK      XLow        YLow        Xhigh       Yhigh      

    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    1           -315        6163        -315        6163

    2           -315        6164        -315        6164


    Again, I'm still confused why this SP runs very fast in Query Analyzer but not as a scheduled task. Thanks for the hlep.

  • "Here is the design of the table.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (

     [TIX] [int] NULL ,

     [TIY] [int] NULL ,

     [MSLINK] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    and what indices are in place?????

    with regard to the sample that the complete set to match the output shown?....if not, then any attempt by somebody on this site to recreate your output is doomed to failure.

    re whay it runs fast in QA....I wouldn't call 15mins fast unless I was working on a 286pc....or working with 15million records in my dataset.

    What's the execution plan for the SP?

  • The only index is the one created at the bottom of the SP.

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_PolygonTileIndex_TileIndex ON PolygonTileIndex (TIX, TIY)

    I guess given that I am now truncating the table instead of dropping and recreating I will drop the index as well at the beginning.

    I can't send the entire result set. It's 4+ million rows.

    Would you like the execution plan copied into a post? Can I even do that?


  • Post the plan in text form....they usually are fairly readable.

    regarding the data....can you drum up a mini-set approx10 rows and line it up with a matching expected result.  4m rows doesn't interest me.

    re the table defenition...I meant (if it wasn't stated) the table supporting the 'cursor'.


    You may also get some success on another forum I participate in called ""

  • Here is the design of the Polygon table. The one supporting the cursor:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Polygon] (

     [MSLINK] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [CLASSTYPE] [varchar] (24) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [SYSTEMID] [varchar] (24) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [PID] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [XLABEL] [float] NULL ,

     [YLABEL] [float] NULL ,

     [XLOW] [float] NULL ,

     [YLOW] [float] NULL ,

     [XHIGH] [float] NULL ,

     [YHIGH] [float] NULL ,

     [ISLAND] [bit] NOT NULL ,

     [GEOM] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [MouseOver] [varchar] (24) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [GeomBlob] [image] NULL ,

     [FileArea] [varchar] (24) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL



    I must be missing something simple but couldn't sort out how to get the plan in plain text from query analyzer.

    Here are 10 rows from the select in the cursor:

    MSLINK      xlow        ylow        xhigh       yhigh      

    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    1697573     286         6036        287         6036

    1697574     15          6036        16          6036

    1697575     323         6036        324         6036

    1697576     78          6036        79          6036

    1697577     78          6036        79          6036

    1697578     310         6036        311         6036

    1697579     -18         6036        -17         6036

    1697580     153         6036        154         6036

    1697581     -87         6036        -86         6036

    1697582     16          6036        17          6036

    The results in PolygonTileIndex:

    TIX         TIY         MSLINK     

    ----------- ----------- -----------

    323         6036        1697575

    324         6036        1697575

    78          6036        1697576

    79          6036        1697576

    78          6036        1697577

    79          6036        1697577

    310         6036        1697578

    311         6036        1697578

    -18         6036        1697579

    -17         6036        1697579

    153         6036        1697580

    154         6036        1697580

    -87         6036        1697581

    -86         6036        1697581

    16          6036        1697582

    17          6036        1697582

    Thanks for the help. I hope we find something. I also posted on the other forum you suggested.


  • a couple of issues.

    1.  where's the indices on the source table...polygon?

    2.  your 'expected results don't line up with your input data....where's the output for 1697573 and 1697574?

    2a)  in general it makes it easier to debug if you can also supply the input data in the form of insert statements...small thing for future issues.

    3. your input looks a bit understated in that a very simple way of getting the output shown, can be got by the code below....(but that MAY be because in the data supplied every xlow is 1 less then the this the case in real life?)

    INSERT PolygonTileIndex (TIX, TIY, MsLink)

    SELECT xlow, ylow, mslink from Polygon 


    select xhigh, yhigh, mslink from Polygon

    4. I typed in your data, ran the code supplied and got the output below.  have you got some other data in there to get the result you display?

    TIX         TIY         MSLINK     

    ----------- ----------- -----------

    0           6           1697573

    0           6           1697574

    0           6           1697575

    0           6           1697576

    0           6           1697577

    0           6           1697578

    0           6           1697579

    0           6           1697580

    0           6           1697581

    0           6           1697582

    (10 row(s) affected)

    5.  in the execution plan, I see TABLE SCANS on EACH selection from the CURSOR...absolutely a NIGHTMARE....unless you have indices you're not telling me about.

    6. can you step back a bit and describe what you are trying to achieve in business what's the purpose of the looks like it's trying to transform some input data?

  • 1. Index and PK on Polygon Table:

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Polygon] ADD







     CREATE  INDEX [IX_Polygon_SystemID_PID] ON [dbo].[Polygon]([SYSTEMID], [PID]) WITH  FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY]


    2. Another attempt at data output:

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (286,6036,1697573)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (287,6036,1697573)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (15,6036,1697574)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (16,6036,1697574)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (323,6036,1697575)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (324,6036,1697575)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (78,6036,1697576)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (79,6036,1697576)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (78,6036,1697577)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (79,6036,1697577)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (310,6036,1697578)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (311,6036,1697578)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (-18,6036,1697579)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (-17,6036,1697579)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (153,6036,1697580)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (154,6036,1697580)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (-87,6036,1697581)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (-86,6036,1697581)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (16,6036,1697582)

    Insert [dbo].[PolygonTileIndex] (TIX, TIY, MsLink)VALUES (17,6036,1697582)

    TIX TIY MSLink

    286 6036 1697573

    287 6036 1697573

    15 6036 1697574

    16 6036 1697574

    323 6036 1697575

    324 6036 1697575

    78 6036 1697576

    79 6036 1697576

    78 6036 1697577

    79 6036 1697577

    310 6036 1697578

    311 6036 1697578

    -18 6036 1697579

    -17 6036 1697579

    153 6036 1697580

    154 6036 1697580

    -87 6036 1697581

    -86 6036 1697581

    16 6036 1697582

    17 6036 1697582

    In terms of what the business if trying to do here I'm totatlly sure as we just inherited this SP from a third party vendor. The Polygon table contains coordinates and the PolygonTileINdex table is loaded with those coordinates to be used by a mapping component in the application. Sorry. I know that's not a very good explanation.


  • INPUT is what's needed....(but you're on the right track in style for future problems)

    2. my code @ 3 above will give your output....BUT more complex input data MAY invalidate my code....(what you provided was very limited in terms of values)....

    With your input data, and your code...I also DON'T get your I'm very confused!!!


    I work in it's going home time now....hope this problem improves for you over the weekend.

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