Maintenance Plan Backup Fails (Sometimes)

  • Hello, thank you in advance for any help you can give.

    Here is what I am working with:

    SQL Server 2000 Standard

    8.00.760 (SP3)

    3GB RAM

    Dual Xeon 2.4GHz

    I have a maintenance plan that flows like this:

    Operates on one database

    7:45PM run optimizations

    7:50PM run integrity checks

    8:00PM run full backup, verify integrity

    Between 6:00AM-6:00PM backup transaction logs every 10 minutes

    Report on each step

    Each step works every day, every time - with the exception of the

    backup.  This works about 25% of the time.  If I watch it fail and

    attempt to start the job again, it may fail, it may work - again 25% of

    the time.  If I cannot get that job to run, I go to the "Backup"

    section in the Management tab of Enterprise Manager and run a backup on

    the database there.  That works every time.

    My question is why will the backup not run as a job but it will run

    when i run it manually through "Backup"?

    Here is the TSQL the job has for the backup:

    ---- BEGIN TSQL FOR Reference -----

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID

    61A2BCA5-2FBE-4AD1-93C6-3EB262BC1E2B -Rpt

    "D:\__SQL_SERVER_BACKUPS\Reports\pubs\pubs Maintenance Plan4.txt"

    -DelTxtRpt 1WEEKS -WriteHistory  -VrfyBackup -BkUpOnlyIfClean -CkDB

    -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB "D:\__SQL_SERVER_BACKUPS\Databases" -DelBkUps

    3DAYS -CrBkSubDir -BkExt "BAK"'

    ---- END TSQL FOR Reference -----

    Thank you, once more...


  • Anything written in your server logs that says why the backup failed?

  • Sorry, I meant to include those....

    This is the first entry:

    BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO  DISK = 'D:\__SQL_SERVER_BACKUPS\Databases\pubs\pubs_db_200503022000.BAK' WITH  INIT ,  NOUNLOAD ,  NOSKIP ,  STATS = 10,  NOFORMAT

    Then the second entry for the verify - which cannot run because backup failed:

    BackupDiskFile:penMedia: Backup device 'D:\__SQL_SERVER_BACKUPS\Databases\pubs\pubs_db_200503022000.BAK' failed to open. Operating system error = 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.).

  • Is the backup file being backed up by a network backup process, or is the disk full?

    I avoid using the DB maintenance wizard and use scripts or procs to backup databases. Why - easier to debug, you are in control and it is quicker. I tested this with 8 databases totalling 50Gb which took just over 3 hours via the maint wizard but took 100 mins in native SQL.  

  • I have found similar results, as athurgar has, using scripts instead of the maint wizzard. I would strongly recommend you try the same.

  • check out my post in this thread.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I truly hate them. They never seem to work right for me. Some DBAs think they are great though...

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