Copy Database Wizard for Log-shipping

  • I am having a problem using the SQL Server 2000's Copy Database Wizard. After entering the source instance and the target instance I hit next and I get the following error message:

    Error Code: 5510

    Error Category: 5500

    Source: Microsoft SQL-DMO

    Description: [SQL-DMO]the name 'DATABASENAME' was not found in the Databases collection. If the name is qualified name, use [] to seperate various parts of the name, and try again

    1) I have checked the databases and the DB quoted does exist ?

    2) I cant understand why it errors before prompting the next screens which ask for the databases and the objects related to them ?

    3) Is there an alternative to copy every object on one server to another server to prepare the other server for a resiliant partner using log-shipping ?

    4) Where can I get a list of all SQL-DMO error codes ?

    5) Where can I get a detail explaination of this error code with context to the DB it refers to - i.e. can i interrogate some event viewer or log file ?

  • Could it be a collation issue where the SQL Server is configured to be case sensitive?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • checked server collation but they are identical: SQL_Latin1_General_SP1_CI_AS

  • As an alternative, why don't you backup the database and restore it WITH NORECOVERY on the second server?  Then you can set up log shipping.  I've never had a problem doing it this way.  It might ease the frustration 🙂

  • Will that copy over all Jobs, alerts, DTS packages, logins and users for each database ?

  • No.  The information you just mentioned is kept in msdb and master.  All you would be restoring is the user database.

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