update/Insert table rows

  • Hi

    I am trying to Insert/update a table in the following way..

    Table Name: Inventory

    Cols :   InventoryID (PK), InventoryName, InventoryDesc


    InventoryID  InventoryName   InventoryDesc

    100              computer            laptop

    First Insert a record as with negative ID

    -100              Computer           palmtop

    and then update ID=100 in a stored procedure WITHOUT using col names (like getting all the col names from sysclos system table ...since it is the same table.) can some one point in the right direction.



  • You're trying to write an update query without using column names?

    You could generate the SQL you want into a string, and then execute that. It's not a nice way of doing it, but it will certainly work.

    Presumably the query you want will be:

    update i1

    set i1.inventoryname = i2.inventoryname,

    i1.inventorydesc = i2.inventorydesc

    from Inventory i1

    join Inventory i2

    on i1.inventoryid = -i2.inventoryid

    where i2.inventoryid < 0


    delete from Inventory where inventoryid < 0

    In a few minutes I'll post something to create this. I'll probably use a cursor, because it's still the most _reliable_ way of concatenating strings, unless you want to write yourself a CLR user-defined aggregate function.

    Rob Farley
    LobsterPot Solutions & Adelaide SQL Server User Group
    Company: http://www.lobsterpot.com.au
    Blog: http://blogs.lobsterpot.com.au

  • Does this work for you:

    declare @tablename varchar(256)

    set @tablename = 'Inventory'

    -- First let's fetch the id column.

    -- We could have done this in our cursor, but it's nice to separate it out for readability.

    declare @idcol varchar(256)

    select @idcol = sc.name

    from syscolumns sc


    sysobjects so

    on so.id = sc.id

    where so.name = @tablename

    and sc.colid = 1

    -- select @idcol

    -- Now let's get the 'set' clause of the query.

    declare @othercols varchar(4000)

    set @othercols = ''

    declare @nextcol varchar(256)

    declare csrCols cursor for

    select sc.name

    from syscolumns sc


    sysobjects so

    on so.id = sc.id

    where so.name = @tablename

    and sc.colid > 1

    open csrCols

    fetch csrCols into @nextcol

    while (@@fetch_status = 0)


    set @othercols = @othercols + ', t1.' + @nextcol + ' = t2.' + @nextcol

    fetch csrCols into @nextcol


    close csrCols

    deallocate csrCols

    --...and rip off the leading comma

    set @othercols = substring(@othercols,2,3999)

    -- Now we construct the query we're going to run

    declare @query varchar(8000)

    set @query = 'update t1 set ' + @othercols + ' from ' + @tablename + ' t1 join ' + @tablename + ' t2 on t1.' + @idcol + ' = -t2.' + @idcol + ' where t2.' + @idcol + ' < 0 '

    set @query = @query + '; delete from ' + @tablename + ' where ' + @idcol + ' < 0 '

    -- select @query

    exec (@query)

    Rob Farley
    LobsterPot Solutions & Adelaide SQL Server User Group
    Company: http://www.lobsterpot.com.au
    Blog: http://blogs.lobsterpot.com.au

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