Subquery question

  • I know what I need to accomplish can be taken care of with a subquery, but have thus far been wildly unsuccessful and getting it right. Was wondcering if one of you kynd folks could push me in the right direction.

    Here's what I need to do: list brokers that have closed a loan in a specific date range (I'll use parameters) but have not closed any loans in the last 90 days. Naturally, the parameter date range won't include the last 90 days.

    So in psuedocode:

    SELECT broker

    FROM (all brokers who closed in the date range)

    WHERE (count of closed loans in last 90 days = 0)

    Any help would be much appreciated.


  • It would help if you could post your table DDL.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I am not clear with the requirement

    Do you need list of broker who has closed a loan in a data range but has not closed in last 90 days.

    In other words if you pass the date range within last 90 dates it show return 0 records. If this is the case I think you can achieve this in just a select query



    <DateField> BETWEEN (@StartDate,@EndDate)


    DATEDIFF(dd,<DateField>,getdate()) > 90



    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • Yes Amit, your first question is correct; I just need to see which brokers did close in the range but not in the last 90 days.


    Distinct Name




    <DateField> BETWEEN (@StartDate,@EndDate)


    DATEDIFF(dd,<DateField>,getdate()) > 90

    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • SELECT T1.Broker

    FROM (select Broker from loans

             where close_date between <your range>

             group by Broker) T1

    LEFT JOIN (select Broker from loans

             where close_date between <last 90 days>

             group by Broker) T2 on T1.Broker = T2.Broker

    WHERE T2.Broker IS NULL

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • oops. My query would just ignore the last 90 days




    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • Sergiy - you're response was perfect. Thanks so much. The query now reads:

    SELECT T1.referral_25

    FROM (SELECT referral_25

    FROM application

    WHERE cls_dt BETWEEN '01-01-06' AND '01-05-06'

    GROUP BY referral_25) T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    (SELECT referral_25

    FROM application

    WHERE cls_dt BETWEEN dateadd(d, - 90, getdate()) AND getdate()

    GROUP BY referral_25) T2 ON T1.referral_25 = T2.referral_25

    WHERE (T2.referral_25 IS NULL)

    Except now I can't replace the dates with "@Start" and "@End". Any ideas why??

  • >>Except now I can't replace the dates with "@Start" and "@End".

    It would help if you expanded on "can't".

    Are you getting errors ? If so, what are they ?

    Or incorrect results ? If so explain ?

    What are the datatypes of @Start and @End ? What is the datatype of cls_dt ?


  • Thanks anyhoo. Got it working!

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