MDAC Compatibility

  • Hi,

    I am relatively new in this arena and would gretly appreciate if anybody helps.

    We have our SQL Server 2000 and BO Components installed on seperate boxes, BO acting as the client. MDAC in both Client and Server are versioned as 2.5.

    We are currently upgrading the client side MDAC to 2.8. Does the server side MDAC also needs an upgradation. If not, will there be any significant impact?



  • We've been using MDAC 2.8 on all our systems - including servers - for a long time, no issues have shown up so for our mixed environment it went smoothly.  yes, you should upgrade the servers.

    As always test your apps before you put it on your produciton systems. 

  • Thanks for your response Bill. I was also guessing that we might just implement same version of MDAC on both

  • Its best to have the same version on both, if you can't do that, put the 2.8 on the server until you can upgrade the machines that talk to it.  2.8 will talk to 2.5 pretty well.

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