How to create an aggregated field

  • I have the following fields in table A:

     GL_ID|GL_Name_VC |    Amount    |Period_TI|Year_SI


      1000|  Inventory|   8,000.00   |  01     |  2005


      1000|  Inventory|  -3,000.00   |  02     |  2005


      1000|  Inventory|   5,000.00   |  02     |  2005



    the fields above have the following datatype:

     Fields        | Datatype                


     GL_ID         | Integer           

     GL_Name_VC    | Variable Character

     Amount        | Integer

     Period_TI     | TinyInteger

     Year_SI       | SmallInteger

    The above database is running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and i would like to query

    for a report that looks something as below:

    GL_ID  | GL_Name_VC |Op Bal|Period_Dr|Period_Cr|Period Bal|Closing Bal


    1000   | Inventory  |8,000 |  5,000  | -3,000  |  2,000   |10,000

     The above report has an Op Bal column which is the sum of all amount in Period 01 in

    Year 2005 carried forward as opening balance in Period 02, Period_Dr Column would contain

    all positive amount in Period 02 & Period_Cr Column would contain all negative amount

    in Period 02. Period Bal is the summation of both Period_Dr & Period_Cr and Closing Bal

    column is the summation of Op Bal + Period Bal.

    Guys, hope someone out there can help me with the sql command for the above report?

  • OK, this one is a little trickier.

    DECLARE @p tinyint -- Stores the period we are looking for

    DECLARE @y smallint -- Stores the year we are looking for

    SET @p = 2

    SET @y = 2005


    ISNULL(PrevPd.Op_Bal,0) AS Op_Bal,

    ISNULL(CurPd.Period_Dr) AS Period_Dr,

    ISNULL(CurPd.Period_Cr) AS Period_Cr,

    ISNULL(CurPD.Period_Bal) AS Period_Bal,

    SUM(A.Amount) AS Closing_Bal

    FROM A


    SUM(A.Amount) AS Op_Bal

    FROM A

    WHERE A.Period_TI < @p AND A.Year_SI 0 THEN A.Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_Dr,

    SUM(CASE WHEN A.Amount < 0 THEN A.Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_Cr,

    SUM(A.Amount) AS Period_Bal

    FROM A

    WHERE A.Period_TI = @p AND A.Year_SI = @y

    GROUP BY A.GL_ID, A.GL_Name_VC) CurPd

    ON CurPd.GL_ID = A.GL_ID AND CurPd.GL_Name_VC = A.GL_Name_VC


    I didn't test this, but I think it does what you're looking for. I used LEFT JOIN to cover cases in which a given GL might have no previous activity, or no current activity.

  • To show your results (treat year as one period) then

    SELECT a.GL_ID, a.GL_Name_VC,

    SUM(CASE WHEN a.Period_TI = 1 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS [Op Bal],

    SUM(CASE WHEN a.Period_TI > 1 AND Amount >= 0 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS [Period_Dr],

    SUM(CASE WHEN a.Period_TI > 1 AND Amount < 0  THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS [Period_Cr],

    SUM(CASE WHEN a.Period_TI > 1 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS [Period Bal],

    SUM(a.Amount) AS [Closin Bal]

    FROM [A] a

    WHERE a.Year_SI = 2005

    GROUP BY a.GL_ID, a.GL_Name_VC

    ORDER BY a.GL_ID, a.GL_Name_VC

    If you want each period to be shown then

    SELECT a.GL_ID, a.GL_Name_VC, a.Period_TI,

    SUM(CASE WHEN b.Period_TI < a.Period_TI THEN b.Amount ELSE 0 END) AS [Op Bal],

    SUM(CASE WHEN b.Period_TI = a.Period_TI AND b.Amount >= 0 THEN b.Amount ELSE 0 END) AS [Period_Dr],

    SUM(CASE WHEN b.Period_TI = a.Period_TI AND b.Amount < 0  THEN b.Amount ELSE 0 END) AS [Period_Cr],

    SUM(CASE WHEN b.Period_TI = a.Period_TI THEN b.Amount ELSE 0 END) AS [Period Bal],

    SUM(b.Amount) AS [Closin Bal]

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT x.GL_ID, x.GL_Name_VC, x.Year_SI, x.Period_TI FROM [A] x) a


    ON b.GL_ID = a.GL_ID AND b.Year_SI = a.Year_SI AND b.Period_TI <= a.Period_TI

    WHERE a.Year_SI = 2005

    AND a.Period_TI > 1

    GROUP BY a.GL_ID, a.GL_Name_VC, a.Period_TI

    ORDER BY a.GL_ID, a.GL_Name_VC, a.Period_TI

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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