Differential Backup one file lost

  • HI All,

    I do a full backup weekly on Friday and then I do differential backup on other days. I also do log backup every hour. The differential backup are always overwritten ( they are copied every night to tape )

    Here's the problem I lost my monday file and cannot recreate it in the proper format.

    BACKUP DATABASE [My DB] TO  DISK = [A file path]\[My DB][Day of week].bak WITH  INIT ,  NOUNLOAD ,  DIFFERENTIAL ,  NAME = N'DB Backup Job for DB Diff daily',  NOSKIP ,  STATS = 10,  NOFORMAT

    The script is what I use to create the differential backup. I have substituted the real name with []. I was wondering If on monday during the day, I created a diff backup manualy if it would create a diff file that would get overwrtitten at night? Also would I brake the back up set ?



  • Since you are appending only the day of the week, yes, the file will be overwritten each time it is run on the same day.

    Will you break the back up set - no. Differential backups are cumulative so all the data that was in the first backup will be in the second backup plus any new data that was added since the first backup.

    If you need to recover to some point on Monday, restore the Friday full backup, restore the Sunday differential and then play back the log backups up to the point that you to recover.


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  • Thank you I needed to confirm with someone.


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