How to get a hyperlink behavior

  • Hi All,

    I am looking for the hyperlink behavior on 'Hyperlink' action. that is I should get an underline on mouse hover on the link. I dont want the link to be underlined all the time.

    Let me know if you know anythig about this.

    Thank a lot,


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Just a wild guess but maybe you have to put something in the format Expression box. Having siad that not sure if it will support the moseover event?? Anyone......

  • Well, if you are rendering in HTML format, you could try including a cascading style sheet in the output. The CSS must include styles like those shown below:

    A:link { 

     text-decoration: none;

     color: #3333cc;



    A:visited { 

     text-decoration: none;

     color: #333399;



    A:active { 

     text-decoration: none;

     color: #333399;



    A:hover { 

     text-decoration: underline;

     color: #3333cc;



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