Fill Dates in Dimentions

  • Guys, another question that must be easy fr you, though challenging for me...


    I have a table called dim_time which contains only dates in the form '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000'. Now i must fill dates that exist in 2 other tables one table called futureexams and contains the exam_datetime column (datetime), and the other table called userexams contains the exam_date(datetime) column. I want to check the dim_time table, and if any of the datetime values from the other two tables do not exist, then enter them into the table dim_time. (note i do not care if the intermediate dates do not exist in dim_time). If i find a date that is either in  futureexams or userexams and does not exist in the table dim_time, then i want to insert it.  Do i need to join the two tables userexams and futureexams, and then check if the dates exist in dim_time?

    I would be grateful if you could provide me with some assistance, and / or relative sql code..

    Thank you,




    "If you want to get to the top, prepare to kiss alot of bottom"

  • Hope this solve your purpose,

    insert into dim_time


    Select outdate


     (select exam_datetime outdate from futureexams


     Select exam_date outdate from userexams ) A

    where A.outdate not in (Select DimTime.TheDateFiled dim_time)



    "If you want to get to the top, prepare to kiss alot of bottom"

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