• I have posted this before but I have forgoten what the solution was.

    Trying to Concatenate values in 1 column by UserID. Below is my query. But how do I GROUP BY UserID?

    Table looks like this.

    UserID       UserText

    1               ABC

    1               DEF

    2               ABC

    3               ABC

    3               XYZ

    DECLARE @Text NVARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @Text = COALESCE(@Text + ',', '') + UserText

    FROM UserText

    SELECT @Text

    Kindest Regards,

  • -- prepare test data

    declare @table table (UserID tinyint, usertext char(3))

    insert @table

    select 1, 'ABC' union all

    select 1, 'DEF' union all

    select 2, 'ABC' union all

    select 3, 'ABC' union all

    select 3, 'XYZ'

    -- do the work

    declare @output table(userid tinyint, usertext nvarchar(1000))

    DECLARE @Text NVARCHAR(1000),

            @userid tinyint

    insert @output (userid)

    select distinct userid from @table

    select @userid = min(userid),

           @text = null

    from   @output

    while @userid is not null


          select @text = isnull(@text + ', ', '') + z.usertext

          from   (

                    select   top 100 percent usertext

                    from     @table

                    where    userid = @userid

                    order by usertext

                 ) z

          update @output

          set    usertext = @text

          where  userid = @userid

          select @userid = min(userid),

                 @text = null

          from   @output

          where  userid > @userid


    select * from @output

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Heres a solution that doesnt use a loop (cursor) and should therefore by more efficient.


    -- prepare test data


    @table table (id int identity, UserID tinyint, usertext char(3), allusertexts varchar(1000))


    @table (UserID , usertext )


    1, 'ABC' union all


    1, 'DEF' union all


    2, 'ABC' union all


    3, 'ABC' union all


    3, 'XYZ'



    @user-id varchar(20), @usertext varchar(20)




    @usertext = case when @user-id =UserID then @usertext +','+usertext else usertext end , allusertexts = @usertext, @user-id = UserID


    @table t





    allusertexts = x.allusertexts


    @table t


    (select max(allusertexts)allusertexts, UserID from @table group by UserID)x


    x.UserID = t.UserID


    * from @table


    Obviously you should test this first.[/url]

  • Or...


    create table users (UserId tinyint, usertext varchar(50))

    insert users

              select 1, 'ABC'

    union all select 1, 'DEF'

    union all select 2, 'ABC'

    union all select 3, 'ABC'

    union all select 3, 'XYZ'



    create function dbo.fnAllUserText (@UserId tinyint) returns varchar(1000) as


        declare @AllUserText varchar(1000)

        select @AllUserText = isnull(@AllUserText + ', ', '') + usertext from users where UserId = @userid

        return @AllUserText




    select UserId, dbo.fnAllUserText(UserId) as AllUserText from users group by UserId


    drop table users

    drop function dbo.fnAllUserText


    UserId AllUserText  

    ------ --------------

    1      ABC, DEF

    2      ABC

    3      ABC, XYZ


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • More efficient?

    I doubt that, since you concatenate and accumulated update all rows in @table, even the duplicates. Imagine you have thousands of UserIDs where all of them have a small number of related text rows.

    Also, your example builds on the fact that there is an identity in the original source table and a column for all usertexts to be concatenated.

    And your output looks like this:

    ID UserID UserText AllUserTexts

    -- ------ -------- ------------

     1      1 ABC      NULL

     2      1 DEF      NULL

     3      2 ABC      NULL

     4      3 ABC      NULL

     5      3 XYZ      NULL

    I don't think your suggestion of an solution works.

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • umm have you actually run the code. NOt sure why your getting nulls.

    Rather than assuming id and extra column i am would insert the records in a tables variable which would perform much the same function as you @output table.

    If duplicates were supposed to be removed then an intial distinct in to the Tv would be fine.


    Surely the scenario you suggest with small numbers of rows per user would have a even greater performance hit in a looping solution?

    If you have some test data i would be interested to see a cursor perform faster than an update? 



  • Yes, I tried your code. I am using SQL Server 2000 with SP4. I copied all your code and pasted it into QA and ran it. The output above is what I got, along with these error messages.

    Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9, Line 23

    String or binary data would be truncated.

    The statement has been terminated.

    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

    Changing @usertext varchar(8000) to @usertext varchar(8000) solved the two error messages above. Changing to @usertext varchar(7999) did not help. After that, I got following output

    ID UserID UserText AllUserTexts

    -- ------ -------- ------------

     1      1 ABC      ABC

     2      1 DEF      ABC

     3      2 ABC      ABC

     4      3 ABC      ABC

     5      3 XYZ      ABC

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Jules - I have similar problems getting the code working. It's not important, however, since I am familiar with that method and I understand the idea.

    This article and subsequent comments mention all 3 of the methods mentioned here...

    My preference (until I see proof that something can be quicker) is for the function approach, where possible.

    Trigger - have we solved your problem?

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • By the way, to fix Jules' code, we just need the datatype of usertext to be varchar rather than char in the table (or to add an rtrim to the setting of @usertext).

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • ah yes didnt spot that was using different DDL code[/url]

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