Insert records from one table to multiple tables

  • Hi ,

    I have a situation to insert records from one table to 2 other tables.

    Situation is as below:

    Table name and there structure is as below

    source table

    user name|First name|last name | address

    users table

    user id |user name | person id

    person table

    person id |user name | First name|last name | address

    Person id,user id are not autogenerated columns each record from source table into a cursor

    2. Generate user id [This id i fetch from a fourth table called as Unique_Id which store the last Unique Id]

    3. insert username and User id in users table

    4. Generate person id [This id fetch from a fourth table called as Unique_Id which store the last Unique Id]

    Get value from Unique_Id table and 1 to it

    5. Insert person details with new person id

    get next record from cursor

    Is there any other way to accomplish this task as the number of records are around 600000

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • Sorry a bit mistake total number of records are 60,000.

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • Try something like this to avoid cursors:

    --create tables

    create table source(username varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY, firstname varchar(255), lastname varchar(255), address varchar(255))

    create table person(personid int PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(255), firstname varchar(255), lastname varchar(255), address varchar(255))

    create table (userid int PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(255), personid int)

    create table uniqueid(lastid int)

    insert uniqueid values(0)


    insert source values('hermanm', 'herman', 'munster', '1313 Mockingbird Lane')

    insert source values('lilym', 'lily', 'munster', '1313 Mockingbird Lane')

    insert source values('ralphk', 'ralph', 'kramden', '65 123rd Street')


    --create some working tables

    create table #user(userid int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(255), personid int)

    create table #person(personid int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(255), firstname varchar(255), lastname varchar(255), address varchar(255))


    --update the uniqueid table to lock it

    update uniqueid

    set lastid = lastid + 1

    insert #person(username, firstname, lastname, address)

    select username, firstname, lastname, address

    from source

    insert person(personid, username, firstname, lastname, address)

    select personid+lastid, username, firstname, lastname, address

    from #person, uniqueid

    update uniqueid

    set lastid = x.maxid

    from (select max(personid) maxid from person) x

    insert #user( username, personid)

    select username, personid

    from person

    insert (userid, username, personid)

    select userid+lastid, username, personid

    from #user, uniqueid

    update uniqueid

    set lastid = x.maxid

    from (select max(userid) maxid from ) x



    select * from person

    select * from


    --clean up temporary tables

    drop table #person

    drop table #user


    drop table person


    drop table source


    drop table


    drop table uniqueid


  • thanks , Sorry for the delay in reply.

    I have got the exact solution from sqlserver performance.

    Thanks for Your all great efforts

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

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