reset id

  • hi, i have 3 records with the auto-incremented id(IDENTITY(1,1)

    the current id's are 1,2,3

    Now, i have deleted all these 3 records.

    and inserted new records....but this time the id starts with 5 !!!

    well, i want to reset the whole thing again that id starts from 1


    All the records i have deleted and from now onwards i want to insert records.

    how do i reset the id ?

  • i am using MS SQL server 2000

  • dbcc checkident, check out the entire syntax in BOL and read the implications



  • Nothing understood.

    i want to reset the id.

  • did you check the full syntax in Books Online?


    This is  a help file for sql2000,

    otherwise go to msdn

  • thanks for the response.

    here is whats i have found from MSDN


    Checks the current identity value for the specified table and, if needed, corrects the identity value.



    ( 'table_name'

    [ , { NORESEED

    | { RESEED [ , new_reseed_value ] }






    Is the name of the table for which to check the current identity value. Table names must conform to the rules for identifiers. For more information, see Using Identifiers. The table specified must contain an identity column.


    Specifies that the current identity value should not be corrected.


    Specifies that the current identity value should be corrected.


    Is the value to use in reseeding the identity column.

    but, will it be helpful to reset the identity id to 1 and starts afresh ?

    i am confused...because the manual does not say about resetting .

    However, how do i uset it ?

    i have a table , Employee has a column "id" which is IDENTITY.

    after deleting the table how do i resset the id ?

    please explain.

  • pretty straightforward:

    dbcc checkident('tablename',reseed,1)

    if the table is still in development and you have no other table using that identity value for constraints or referential integrity, I guess it will ok to reseed it

    only if that is what you mean...



  • What is wrong with gaps in your ID sequence?

    Excluding other peoples views on ID columns (Joe Celko etc), the fact that gaps are causing you problems means you have design flaw - it should make no difference to anything else...

  • qbn is definitely correct - it shouldn't make a difference what the id value is.  That being said, if you're refreshing the entire data set (e.g. remove all rows and then re-populate), you can issue a TRUNCATE TABLE tablename which automatically resets the id field to the value defined in the IDENTITY clause of the DDL for that table.


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