Looking for the SQL equivalent for this Sybase code:

  • I am in a new location that has no earhtly clue to what databases and logins are being used. In Sybase I would execute the following command and watch it for a few weeks and if the IO and CPU count stay at 0 I would identify those users and/or databases for cleanup. I am pretty rusty with my sql server, been a useless mgr for a while, and am looking for a sql2k equivelant. any help is appreciated.



    use master


    EXEC sp_configure 'allow updates to system tables',1


    update syslogins set totio=0,totcpu=0


    use master


    EXEC sp_configure 'allow updates to system tables',0


  • I'm not sure that these values are maintained in syslogins anymore.

    I would put a profiler trace on and in the Events tab select Securuity Audit.



  • Allen,

    thanks for the help. I was able to configure a trace that audits logins and logouts. It is exactly what I needed although not as easy as the sybase way.

    Thanks again!


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