Select latest entry from several records

  • I have a database with several thousand pieces of equipment indenified with WS_NUM .Each time a piece of equipment

    is inventoried

    a record is added with a new auditid,WS_NUM and related data.

    I am having trouble with a query to pull out the lastest record for each piece of equipment based on the 

    highest auditid for each WS_NUM

    I hope this example shows the problem clearly:

    create table testx (WS_NUM int,ComponentValue varchar(255),auditid int)

    insert into testx values (129,'F521',147)

    insert into testx values (129,'F521',1300)

    insert into testx values (129,'F521',1301)

    insert into testx values (129,'F52A',3818)

    insert into testx values (180,'BC1026',190)

    insert into testx values (180,'BC1026',2628)

    insert into testx values (180,'BC102A',4182)

    insert into testx values (204,'BH1303',205)

    insert into testx values (204,'BH130A',7877)

    insert into testx values (204,'BH1303',2798)

    insert into testx values (204,'BH1303',7870)

    I would like to select one record for each WS_NUM based on the highest auditid

    The result set would be :

    WS_NUM ComponentValue auditid

    129        F52A                 3818

    180        BC102A              4182

    204        BH130A              7877

    any help or comments would be appreciated

  • select *

    from #TestX

    where AuditID in (select max(AuditID)

                      from #TestX

                      Group by ws_Num)


    129 F52A 3818

    180 BC102A 4182

    204 BH130A 7877

  • Select

    A.WS_NUM, A.ComponentValue, A.auditid


    testx A




    Select WS_NUM, Max(auditid) as auditid from testx Group by WS_NUM) as B


    B.WS_NUM = A.WS_NUM and B.auditid = A.auditid


    Is much more efficient.....

  • Thank you both for your solutions.I was unable to make any futher progress on my own.

    Both methods worked to narrow my orginal result set from 3733 rows with duplicates/outdated information

    to 1042 usable records.

    My example was a simplified statement of the problem.When I adapted your solutions to the actual tables these are

    the resulting queries:




    where TypeCode='IPAddress'and ComponentValue like'xxx.xx.%'and

    workstationauditid in (select max(workstationauditid)from vWORKSTATION_COMPONENTS

          Group by ws_Num)

    which executed in 13 seconds


    select a.ws_num,a.componentvalue,a.workstationauditid


    Inner Join

    (Select WS_NUM, Max(workstationauditid) as workstationauditid from vWORKSTATION_COMPONENTS Group by WS_NUM)

    as b

    On b.WS_NUM = b.WS_NUM and b.workstationauditid = a.workstationauditid

    where a.TypeCode='IPAddress'and

    a.ComponentValue like'xxx.xx.%'

    order by a.ws_num

    which executed in 23 seconds

    both solutions are efficient enought for me and a few steps in the right direction

    but here is some of what I left out in trying to explain or break down the problem

    Some of my information resides in the Workstat table This was my orginal Query


    select  w.aws_num,w.[name],w.dept,w.location,w.tcpip,w.NODE_ADDR,


    from vWORKSTATION_COMPONENTS v join workstat w on w.WS_NUM=v.WS_NUM

     where v.TypeCode='IPAddress'and

    v.ComponentValue like'xxx.xx.%'

    group by  w.aws_num,w.[name],w.dept,w.location,v.ComponentValue,w.tcpip,v.WS_NUM,w.NODE_ADDR,v.workstationauditid

    order by v.WS_NUM,v.ComponentValue

    which returned 3733 rows in 14 seconds with all of the information I was looking for

    efficent to execute but containing 60% garbage to sort through manually

    so my next step was to try to Join the workstat table to your solutions

    as below:

    select  w.aws_num,w.[name],w.dept,w.location,w.tcpip,w.NODE_ADDR, --from workstat w


    from vWORKSTATION_COMPONENTS v join workstat w on w.WS_NUM=v.WS_NUM

    where v.TypeCode='IPAddress'and

    v.ComponentValue like'xxx.xx.%'and v.workstationauditid in (select max(v.workstationauditid)

                      from vWORKSTATION_COMPONENTS v

                      Group by v.ws_Num)


    select  w.aws_num,w.[name],w.dept,w.location,w.tcpip,w.NODE_ADDR,a.ws_num,a.componentvalue,a.workstationauditid

    From TRACKIT65_DATA..workstat w join vWORKSTATION_COMPONENTS a

    on w.WS_NUM=a.WS_NUM

    Inner Join

    (Select WS_NUM, Max(workstationauditid) as workstationauditid from vWORKSTATION_COMPONENTS Group by WS_NUM)

    as b

    On  b.WS_NUM = b.WS_NUM and b.workstationauditid = a.workstationauditid

    where a.TypeCode='IPAddress'and

    a.ComponentValue like''

    order by a.ws_num

    Both of these Queries ran for over five minutes before I cancelled them

    I am wondering if my join syntax is wrong or is it better to use two seperate queries and maybe a temp table or some other approach

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