Two select statements, need one result

  • Hello,

    I have 2 statements I need combined to produce one result set.  One statement finds "DailyReceipts" and the other finds "MonthlyReceipts".  How can I put these together and have zeroes report if no data is found as shown below in the Expected Results? (Yes, I'm new to T-SQL!!)  Any help is appreciated.

    Expected Results

    InsGroupID      Date      DailyReceipts      MonthlyReceipts

    Insurance1      5/16/06     100.00             100.00

    Insurance2      5/16/06       0.00              200.00

    Insurance3      5/16/06       0.00              300.00

    DailyReceipts Statement

    USE livedb

    SELECT DMisInsurance.InsuranceGroupID AS InsGroupID,

      CONVERT(CHAR(12),BarCollectionTransactions.BatchDateTime,101) AS 'Date',

      SUM(BarCollectionTransactions.Amount) AS 'DailyReceipts'

    FROM  BarCollectionTransactions

      INNER JOIN BarVisits ON

      BarCollectionTransactions.SourceID = BarVisits.SourceID


      AND BarCollectionTransactions.BillingID = BarVisits.BillingID

      INNER JOIN DMisInsurance ON

      BarCollectionTransactions.SourceID = DMisInsurance.SourceID

      AND BarVisits.PrimaryInsuranceID = DMisInsurance.InsuranceID

    WHERE (BarCollectionTransactions.BatchDateTime = CONVERT(CHAR(12), getdate() - 1,101))

      AND BarCollectionTransactions.Type = 'R'

    GROUP BY DMisInsurance.InsuranceGroupID


    MonthlyReceipts Statement

    USE livedb

    SELECT DMisInsurance.InsuranceGroupID AS InsGroupID,

      SUM(BarCollectionTransactions.Amount) AS 'MonthlyReceipts'

    FROM  BarCollectionTransactions

      INNER JOIN BarVisits ON

      BarCollectionTransactions.SourceID = BarVisits.SourceID


      AND BarCollectionTransactions.BillingID = BarVisits.BillingID

      INNER JOIN DMisInsurance ON

      BarCollectionTransactions.SourceID = DMisInsurance.SourceID

      AND BarVisits.PrimaryInsuranceID = DMisInsurance.InsuranceID

    WHERE BarCollectionTransactions.Type = 'R'

      AND datediff (month, BarCollectionTransactions.BatchDateTime, getdate ()) =0


    GROUP BY DMisInsurance.InsuranceGroupID

  • The easiest way in my opinion would be to probably use two seperate derived tables. Derive them from BarCollectionTransactions each with the data you need.

    Something like:

    SELECTins.InsuranceGroupID as InsGroupID, bct_day.Date, bct.DailyReceipts, bct.MonthlyReceipts

    FROMBarVisits bv

    JOINDMisInsurance ins

    ONbv.PrimaryInsuranceID = ins.InsuranceID


    SELECTSourceID, CONVERT(CHAR(12), BatchDateTime, 101) as 'Date', SUM(Amount) AS 'DailyReceipts'


    WHEREBatchDateTime = CONVERT(CHAR(12), GETDATE() - 1, 101)

    AND[Type] = 'R'

    GROUP BY SourceID, CONVERT(CHAR(12), BatchDateTime, 101)

    ) bct_day

    ONbv.SourceID = bct_day.SourceID

    ANDins.SourceID = bct_day.SourceID


    SELECTSourceID, SUM(Amount) AS 'MonthlyReceipts'


    WHEREDATEDIFF(month, BatchDateTime, GETDATE()) = 0

    AND[Type] = 'R'

    GROUP BY SourceID

    ) bct_month

    ONbv.SourceID = bct_month.SourceID

    ANDins.SourceID = bct_month.SourceID

    ORDER BYbct_day.Date, ins.InsuranceGroupID

  • Is there something I am missing? You don't have a GROUP BY on your first statement including the BatchDateTime column??? did that ever worked?




    * Noel

  • Aaron - I tried your suggestion but received the following message.  I added the alias but the results didn't group by InsGroupID.  Any other ideas?

    Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    The column prefix 'bct' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.

    Server: Msg 107, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    The column prefix 'bct' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.

  • Vivian,

    the alias are bct_day and bct_month

    * Noel

  • Noel,

    You are right....I need the BatchDateTime in the GROUP BY.  I've been out of the office since last Wednesday so I haven't had the opportunity to work on this much.  I did, however, make the correction on the alias names and executed the statement.  The results didn't group by insurance group id.  It created a row for what appeared to be for each batch. 



  • So you want to combine a figure for the month to date with a figure for yesterday? I assume you don't want your month-to-date receipts broken down by day. You could do something like:


    DMisInsurance.InsuranceGroupID InsGroupID,


    (char(12),getdate(),101) Date,



    when datediff (month, BarCollectionTransactions.BatchDateTime, getdate ())=0

    then BarCollectionTransactions.Amount

    else 0

    end) MonthlyReceipts,



    when BarCollectionTransactions.BatchDateTime = CONVERT(CHAR(12), getdate() - 1,101)

    then BarCollectionTransactions.Amount

    else 0

    end) DailyReceipts




    JOIN BarVisits ON


    .SourceID = BarVisits.SourceID

    AND BarCollectionTransactions.BillingID = BarVisits.BillingID


    JOIN DMisInsurance ON


    .SourceID = DMisInsurance.SourceID

    AND BarVisits.PrimaryInsuranceID = DMisInsurance.InsuranceID


    BarCollectionTransactions.Type = 'R'

    AND (datediff (month, BarCollectionTransactions.BatchDateTime, getdate ())=0

    or datediff(day, BarCollectionTransactions.BatchDateTime, getdate ())=-1




    BY DMisInsurance.InsuranceGroupID

    It might be worth reexamining whether there is a better way of presenting the information, or more information. But then it almost always is, if you have time...

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  •   Hey, Hey!  With the biggest smile on my face, I say thank you!!  Your suggestion worked perfectly stax68.

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