Analysis Services and IIS

  • Can someone tell me in what circumstances I need to have IIS on the same server as Analysis Services?

    I have a vendor telling me I need to do this, and I've never had to do it before. They say they need it for 'http connections to OLAP'.

    Can anyone confirm this?


  • Unless you run Kerberos you will need to do this.  The main issue encountered is the 'double-hop' where your credentials are OK'd by the IIS server but then (ssuming AS is on another machine) you can't access the AS as this is the 'second hop' (i.e. the IIS box can't pass your credentials on to the subsequent machine/s).  From memory you can allow the passing (dbl hop) if you're running IIS 6 (or more accurately Win2K3 server).  There are some posts on this forum about this issue and I think there was at least one msft document on it (possibly the performance or more likely to Operations guide for AS2000).

    XMLA in AS2000 doesn't help but the XMLA in 2005 does as it runs over tcp/ip rather than http (there's a whole whitepaper/blog post by Mosha on this).



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