March 14, 2006 at 1:49 pm
Hi experts.
I have 3 tables in SQL Server 2000. I need to generate a report to HR department and show them how many applicants in applicant_table is available for each job that HR posted in the job_Posting_table,
based on applicant's applied zipcode and the radius the applicant is willing to drive to.
The stored procedure at below can help to find out all zipcodes (or a list of jobs) an applicant is available to.
Zips_Range_Table (The Zips_Range_Table is loaded from postal office system, it contains a countrywide zip codes/longitude and latitude.)
Zip_Code Longitude Latitude
35004 86.51557 33.584132
35005 86.959727 33.588437
35006 87.167455 33.434277
Job_Posting_Table (HR department posts opening jobs to Job_Posting_Table)
JobPosting_ID Job_Code Job_Title Job_Location Job_ZipCode
1 4 General Manager BK03261 53018
2 4 General Manager BK07445 29303
3 3 Assistant Manager BK00426 53410
4 3 Assistant Manager BK04678 53406
Appliant_Table : Master applicant table contains applicant ID, applied job ID, searched jobs within a driving distance (in miles) (Applied_Disatnce) of a Zipcode (Applied_ZipCode)
App_ID JobPosting_ID Applied_ZipCode Applied_Distance
1 1 53026 20
2 1 53009 30
4 1 53014 30
5 3 53412 20
6 4 53406 20
9 2 29300 20
When applicant searches opening jobs on company's website from our database based on the driving distance of a zipcode he entered, then the stored procedure will get all distinct cities of our availiable jobs in our job_Posting_Table:
here is the sp (I found the stored procedure with basic logic from a website):
CREATE Procedure sp_ZipCode_FindJobs
@ZipCode Numeric(5, 0) = Null,
@Miles Float
set nocount on
Declare @Latitude Float(10)
Declare @Longitude Float(10)
-- Lookup longitude, latitude for zip codes
Select @Latitude = Latitude, @Longitude = Longitude From Zips_Range_Table Where Zip_Code = @ZipCode
Max( j.Job_Posting_Date) as Job_Posting_Date,j.Job_Title, Max( j.JobPosting_ID ) as JobPosting_ID
Zips_Range_Table z INNER JOIN
Job_Posting_Table j ON z.Zip_Code = j.Job_ZipCode
z.Longitude Is Not Null
And z.Latitude Is Not Null
And @Miles >=
3958.75 * ACos(Sin(@Latitude/57.2958) *
Sin(z.Latitude/57.2958) +
Cos(@Latitude/57.2958) *
Cos(z.Latitude/57.2958) *
Cos(z.Longitude/57.2958 - @Longitude/57.2958))
And z.Zip_Code != @ZipCode
group by j.Job_Title
My question is: I need to have a query or a stored procedure to calculate how many applicants is available for each job posted in the job_posting_table.
For example, Applicant #5 applied the "Assistant Manager" job and he is willing to drive 20 miles in the radius of a zipcode 53412. And within 20 miles of Zipcode 53412,
this applicant is available for job posting ID #3 and #4.
So the result should look like this:
Received JobPosting_ID Job_Title Job_Location Job_ZipCode
3 1 General Manager BK03261 53018
1 2 General Manager BK07445 29303
2 3 Assistant Manager BK00426 53410
2 4 Assistant Manager BK04678 53406
March 14, 2006 at 2:17 pm
This is untested because the zip data does not match the job and applicant data but try something like this:
drop table Zip
create table Zip(Zip_Code int, Longitude decimal(10,6), Latitude decimal(10,6))
insert Zip values (35004, 86.51557, 33.584132)
insert Zip values (35005, 86.959727, 33.588437)
insert Zip values (35006, 87.167455, 33.434277)
drop function distance
create function distance(@zip1 int, @zip2 int)
returns decimal(10,6)
return (select 3958.75 * ACos(Sin(z1.Latitude/57.2958) *
Sin(z2.Latitude/57.2958) +
Cos(z1.Latitude/57.2958) *
Cos(z2.Latitude/57.2958) *
Cos(z2.Longitude/57.2958 - z1.Longitude/57.2958))
from Zip z1, Zip z2
where z1.Zip_Code = @zip1 and z2.Zip_Code = @zip2
select count(*) 'Received Applicants', jp.JobPosting_ID, jp.Job_Title, jp.Job_Location, jp.Job_ZipCode
from Job_Posting_Table jp
cross join Appliant_Table a
where distance(jp.Job_ZipCode, a.Applied_ZipCode) < a.Applied_Distanct
group by jp.JobPosting_ID, jp.Job_Title, jp.Job_Location, jp.Job_ZipCode
March 14, 2006 at 2:53 pm
THNK YOU JEFF! It works great! except the result returns only the applicant available for the job, I need it to display zero in 'Received Applicants' when this job doesn't have any available applicant.
I changed count(*) to COALESCE (count(*),0) , but it still not working???? Please help again.
select COALESCE (count(*),0) as 'Received Applicants', jp.JobPosting_ID, jp.Job_Title, jp.Job_Location, jp.Job_ZipCode
from Job_Posting_Table jp
cross join dbo.Mgmt_Applicant_Table a
where dbo.distance(jp.Job_ZipCode, a.Applied_ZipCode) <= a.Applied_Distance
group by jp.JobPosting_ID, jp.Job_Title, jp.Job_Location, jp.Job_ZipCode
March 14, 2006 at 3:02 pm
Try this:
select COALESCE(cnts.cnt, 0) 'Received Applicants', j.JobPosting_ID, j.Job_Title, j.Job_Location, j.Job_ZipCode
from Job_Posting_Table j
left outer join (select count(*) cnt, jp.JobPosting_ID
from Job_Posting_Table jp
cross join Appliant_Table a
where distance(jp.Job_ZipCode, a.Applied_ZipCode) < a.Applied_Distanct
group by jp.JobPosting_ID) cnts
on j.JobPosting_ID = cnts.JobPosting_ID
March 14, 2006 at 4:02 pm
March 14, 2006 at 7:06 pm
Very nice...
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
March 15, 2006 at 10:39 am
The code is neat and great, but now I am running into performance issue. The result returns in average 8 seconds, and all the tables are less than 70 rows. The Zips_Range_Table in Distance Function has 29470 rows and I added an index on Zip_Code. The index doesn't help after I tested it.
The code is used for our HR application, the performance is very important at this point.
Any suggestions?
March 15, 2006 at 11:13 am
Some basic optimzation techniques to check:
Are the datatypes for each column used in a join the same? Data conversion causes indexing problems.
Are there indexes indexes on JobPosting_ID in both tables (jobs and applicants)?
Try running just this part and see how long it takes:
select count(*) cnt, jp.JobPosting_ID
from Job_Posting_Table jp
cross join Appliant_Table a
where distance(jp.Job_ZipCode, a.Applied_ZipCode) < a.Applied_Distanct
group by jp.JobPosting_ID
Try this and see if you get the same results:
select count(*) cnt, jp.JobPosting_ID
from Job_Posting_Table jp
inner join Appliant_Table a
on distance(jp.Job_ZipCode, a.Applied_ZipCode) < a.Applied_Distanct
group by jp.JobPosting_ID
March 16, 2006 at 9:50 am
Yes I checked the datatypes for those joined columns, they are the same.
I have indexes on both jobs table and applicants table.
And I got same result :8 seconds , from both queries (cross join and inner join)
March 16, 2006 at 12:07 pm
Try this:
select COALESCE(cnts.cnt, 0) 'Received Applicants', jp.JobPosting_ID, jp.Job_Title, jp.Job_Location, jp.Job_ZipCode
from Job_Posting_Table jp
left outer join (select count(*) cnt, jp.JobPosting_ID
from Job_Posting_Table jp
cross join Applicant_Table a
inner join Zip z1
on z1.Zip_Code = jp.Job_ZipCode
inner join zip z2
on z2.Zip_Code = a.Applied_ZipCode
where 3958.75 * acos(round(Sin(z1.Latitude/57.2958) *
Sin(z2.Latitude/57.2958) +
Cos(z1.Latitude/57.2958) *
Cos(z2.Latitude/57.2958) *
Cos(z2.Longitude/57.2958 - z1.Longitude/57.2958), 6)) < a.Applied_Distance
group by jp.JobPosting_ID) cnts
on jp.JobPosting_ID = cnts.JobPosting_ID
March 16, 2006 at 1:37 pm
super! Thanks a million!
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