removing unwanted text

  • Hi, I have a table that contains names of users. The problem is that some of these users have entered their names with a prefix of 'ext-' this means that some names are like 'ext-john doe' or 'ext-jane doe'. How can I possibly remove all the 'ext-' from my table and leave the 'john doe' or 'jane doe'

    Can someone plaese tell me how I can remove all occurences of 'ext-' from my table

    Thanks for your help


  • Hi,

    You can do this as follows:

    update my_table

    set user_name = replace(user_name,'ext-','')

    This will replace all occurrences of the string 'ext-' with the blank string ''. You have to be sure that 'ext-' is not a valid string in any other case. Which could be possible if someone had a double-barrelled surname. e.g. 'John Context-Jones'.

    Unusual example, I know, but I've seen some unusual names before.

    Anyway, just be aware of this - and backup your data before you make the change.

    Hope that helps,

  • You could limit the update to those that have ext- as the prefix and use substring to get the rest of the text... This should overcome the John Context-Jones example (love the example!) 

    update my_table

    set user_name = substring(user_name, 5, len(user_name) - 4)

    where user_name like 'ext-%'

    Good luck!

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