transaction log backup/maintenance plan failure

  • hi,

    I am a newbie DBA.

    Can I run a job to do a transaction log backup whilst the database is up and running and being used?

    Also, I have a maintenance plan which does the backup of the log but it shows  as failed.  It shows an event id 208 and job failed in  the job history.

    The entry in the sqlserver log just says transaction log backed up. No Error shown.

    Saw something on web re quoted identifiers being off (which they are for us), and adding a parameter


    Have added this to the ens of the call to the procedure in the job, even though there is no actual error, and wanted to try it out to see if it works. But obviously want to be sure that I am allowed to run it whilst people are on the system first!



  • Can I run a job to do a transaction log backup whilst the database is up and running and being used?

    YES. Provided your database is in Full/Bulk Logged Recovery Mode

    In order to answer the maintanance job failure part you need to paste the job details here. ie What all things are included in the job?


  • this job just runs the following:-

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID 32EC92A0-F05D-4D4E-AB54-0C4CCCE3DD42 -WriteHistory  -VrfyBackup -BkUpOnlyIfClean -CkDB  -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpLog "F:\MSSQL\BACKUP" -DelBkUps 1WEEKS -CrBkSubDir -BkExt "TRN" -SupportComputedColumn'



    It doesn't make any difference if I add the computed column parameter or not.

    The job seesm to work as the log file is being backed up to the locatino specified, but the job shows as failed. Event viewer sayd "log Backed up" and the sqlserver log says the same as if it all worked ok.

  • I hope that you aren't trying to Backup the Transaction log of the Master and MSDB databases.  You didn't state that in your question, so if you are the the Transaction log backup in the database maintenance will fail.

    Rob Broyles

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