non unique index and primary key on same columns

  • I found this script creating  primary key and index on the same columns.

    Is the index needed?


    if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('std_idxq') and sysstat & 0xf = 3)

     drop table std_idxq


    CREATE TABLE std_idxq(

    idxq_record_type varchar(1) NOT NULL,

    idxq_internal_no varchar(8) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT PK_std_idxq

    PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (idxq_record_type,idxq_internal_no)


    create clustered index std_idxq_ind0 on std_idxq

      (idxq_record_type, idxq_internal_no )

    Print 'IDXQ  Table created'

  • >>Is the index needed?

    Every table should have a clustered index, so in that sense, yes.

    The solution would seem to be to drop the index and make the Primary Key clustered. Or alternatively, drop the index & find a different set of column(s) that represent a better candidate for clustering. Tough to answer that without knowing data distributions and typical access patterns.


  • I agree, pk should be clustered but should index be created on the same column(s) as pk? if yes why?


  • No, just a waste of resources.  Get rid of the duplicate index.


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