Blog Post

Extract CLR Assemblies from SQL Server


I’ve run into a few situations that required examining the existing CLR assemblies on a server. Whether I needed to do a comparison between two versions to make sure they are the same or confirm something in the assembly itself, this script has come in handy. Point it at a database, give it an output path and it will save all the assemblies in that database to dlls in the given folder. You can then use a .NET disassembler to confirm suspicions or a binary comparison to make sure the dll matches what it should.

 .Get-SqlAssemblies.ps1 -ServerInstance 'MyServerMyInstance' -Database 'MyDatabase'
        This example shows how to call Get-SqlAssemblies with named parameters.
        For more information about advanced functions, call Get-Help with any
        of the topics in the links listed below.
    [string]$ServerInstance = 'LOCALHOST',
    [string]$OutPath = '.'
#Correct for variations of incoming ServerInstance names
if(-not $ServerInstance.Contains('')) {$ServerInstance += 'DEFAULT'}
if($ServerInstance.Contains(',') -and -not $ServerInstance.Contains('`,')) {$ServerInstance = $ServerInstance.Replace(',', '`,')}
dir SQLSERVER:SQL$ServerInstanceDatabases$DatabaseAssemblies | %{
    $_.SqlAssemblyFiles | %{
        $str = $
        $path = Join-Path $OutPath ($str.Substring($str.LastIndexOf('')+1))
        Set-Content -Path $path -Value $_.GetFileBytes() -Encoding byte;

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