February 26, 2006 at 7:28 pm
Hi there,
I need to stop our instance of SQL2k5 using dynamic ports. I have gone into the SQLServer Configuration Manager -> then under the Protocols for [instancename], and TCP/Ip, I have changed:
Listen All to "No"
Removed the "0" from the TCP Dynamic Ports on the IP Addresses Tab and put in my new port
I have then restarted the services. How can I be 100% sure that it is now using my new port?
I jumped into an application that sources this instance and then ran a "netstat -a -n" on the SQL box. Nothing showed up for my new port - only the existing default port was show as having connections to it.
Can anyone confirm whether I may be missing some vital part or give me some tips/pointers how I can confirm my new port is working as expected?
February 26, 2006 at 9:37 pm
Check the SQL Server Log and/or the Windows Event log and you should see a message along the lines of
"SQL server listening on x.x.x.x: yyyy"
Where x.x.x.x is the ip of the server and yyyy is the port number.
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
February 27, 2006 at 1:49 pm
Thanks Phill,
Checked that with the settings above, and it wasn't listening on my new port for some reason
So I changed the "Listen All" selection to Yes and set the IPAll TCP port to my new port also. Restarted the services and it seems to be working now.
Does this seem right? From looking in BOL I thought it said that "Listen all" had to be set to no if Dynamic Ports was turned off?? Maybe I misread it.
And must all the IP Addresses have the same port?
Thanks for the clarification.
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